How to increase firepower

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by chixonator, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    1. I have just logged into the forum as a non forum member and the " DarkOrbit Bible! "
    was visible and accessible to me.
    So your statement "
    the DO bible is available only for the forum members." is incorrect.

    What if somebody wanted to know about the game but hasn't played much yet?
    That is what the "DarkOrbit Bible!" and FAQ sections are for.

    If a New player has a question that they cannot find the answer to. then they ask in this section and someone will give them the answer or direct them to the correct post.

    If you look at the "DarkOrbit Bible!" or the "FAQ INDEX" you will see how much information there is on the game. If we all made half hearted treads in the Newbies section about all the information that is available about the game, ( noting the ops post was just a copy past from an unofficial web site. ) then this section would very quickly get filled up with similar threads and will not be helpful to new players.

    what have you done to help the community on the forums?
    Well let me see. Firstly I will direct you to the old forum as this forum is only a few days old.
    On the old forum I had well over 2.5k post going back over 5 years. A significant proportion of those were answering question in the help for newbies and general questions sections.

    I have a stick in the general question section on the old forum on how to search the forum for answers. I also have information referenced in some User FAQ threads.
    I have already posted some Server stats data in the speakers corner of this forum so I can continue reporting the information that I was active on in the old forum "Server Stats/Player numbers " which had a good following with 26,957 views.

    Above I have posted links to relivant FAQ threads.

    I am not in any way attempting to troll.
    I am just trying to point out that the information is already available. If we all posted similar threads on all the basic info there is about playing DO, then this section would quickly become swamped.

    In a few week this thread will be way down the list of Newbie thread how is a new player going to find it?

    If you look at the FAQs maybe you would understand why I am suggesting it would be better to direct Newbies to the correct threads, rather than making new ones with limited information, in this section.
    stefaniopa likes this.
  2. Well they should put FAQ's in the Newb section because noobs look in this section
    stefaniopa and ~~Arch^Angel~~ like this.
  3. My mistake about DO bible claim, that is the way it used to be on the old forum. And I know all about you on the old forums. I've been reading them for years, as you have been. Now back to the DO bible and FAQ thing. When I first started I didn't go to the FAQ or anything like that. I went to the players. They had the true way to play the game. They knew the tips and tricks about the game and how to level up the fastest or how beat a GG. It has nice talking with you and I enjoyed having a real debate with a mature person. I thank you for even further expanding my knowledge of the game and I hope you feel better too.

    You may have won this one, but you will lose to me. And when you do, I will take control of this forum! Muhahahaha
    stefaniopa likes this.
  4. When you take control hahah, you are a someday author i am an Active author Bow down to me mauhahahaha
    stefaniopa likes this.
  5. Judging the ability of an author by their title is like judging the character of a man by the size of his... nevermind
    stefaniopa likes this.
  6. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I total agree with that. I think the FAQ INDEX or a link to it should be a sticky in this section. I also think the title "DarkOrbit Bible!" is a bit obscure for the name of a thread that is useful to Newbies, but I guess this is getting off topic, maybe any further discussion should be moved to a new thread.
    stefaniopa likes this.
  7. hahaha
    stefaniopa likes this.
  8. Agreed, this getting off topic considering I don't what the original post was. Lol
    stefaniopa likes this.
  9. Oh sweet Brony! /)
    Anyway, if you add a booster, you can get a minimum of 5% increase, to a 50% increase, depending on how many you get (Each booster adds 5%), I believe
  10. chixonator

    chixonator User

    yea at least i tried to help the newbies, and anyways (this isnt my work) i posted it here from the darkorbit wikia, this was originally posted in the old darkorbit bible by -›WhiteLazer‹- , i looked in the FAQ and didnt see any specific words that said
    (how to increase firepower) so i posted this thread..:cool:
  11. Fact of the situation is, this thread is a waste of time and can confuse new players with its lack of information and wrong information.

    Yes, thank you for your efforts to help new players, but your not helping anyone when you give half cited information.

    As to the question "what have you done to help forums" posted by ~~Arch^Angel~~ what has he done, assisted thousands of players on the old forums. lol.

    But anyways, this information can already be found in the FAQ's and in the Darkorbit bible.
  12. Ok I am sick and tired of people referring to the old forums to show people how "big and bad" they are. That was the OLD FORUMS, they are no longer the DO forum. Whether you had 5 posts or 5000 posts, that is gone, no longer part of the system. I am sorry if I am ticking everybody off by comimg in here and arguing with somebody who had more posts then everyone else. I am not easily pushed around, I do fit into the system well. I am going to see everybody the same, the way they treat others not on how many posts or good ideas they had. And Pac man I thank you for your help In the old forum. Why don't you copy your posts to help this forum?
  13. Please act your age, post count has nothing to do with it, and you called the comment on on your own by asking "what has he ever done for people" Don't be upset when you ask questions and get shown up.

    Its still remains that this thread can cause confusion for new players.
  14. Ok, maybe you are right and I am overreacting. What do you define as a "new player"?
  15. A new player can be define by numerous things but my main point would be this, Experience (not game ep) but how long have you played.

    If you can tell the difference between ships and their capabilities. One who can not help another player with basic knowledge questions about the game (Frequently Asked Questions)
  16. Nice thread Chix! Even some people who think they are "pro" can do with this... Had one guy got 10 drones, full havocs etc but he didn't know what Sep was haha! Also: Have you found a Sig editor yet Chix?
  17. Ok, thank you.
  18. chixonator

    chixonator User

    sig editor? for the signatures i make, i just use gimp
  19. Nooo on the previous forum i requested a sig but you stopped doing them until this forum :) You still able to make them on this one as i want one :D
  20. nop! normal booster is 10% pro booster is 10% and you can get in kappa boosters that will add another 5%. and you can have booster from stations 10% max bonus. and it can go all up to 50% if players from your company have pro boosters and you are next to them.