I am 300% done with this *.*.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BoughtthisatWalmart, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. I am officially done with Dark Orbit. But before I go, here, have what pretty much every weaker player is thinking right now, but every time they speak up they get verbally smacked around by guys who are just helping the problem anyway. Nope- I'm going full throttle, no restraint, no caring about if I hurt your feelings, no ignoring blatant lies, no feeling sorry for those who don't deserve it.

    This game is literally impossible to really play without dying every other minute. The most I can do is just sit there in 2-2 and just kill Streuners and Lordakias and box. And that's it. It's not even playing the game, but if I tried to do something fun I get sent back to base in minutes. I wanted to collect palladium in 5-1 so I can completely empty it out of my cargo, since you can't get rid of it in groups smaller than 15. I got killed trying to do THAT. That's how you know a game has a problem, when you can't perform the simplest of game functions without dying. It's not even uncommon to die while just trying to go from point A to point B. That, in a word, is pathetic. You might say, "Well, that's just the way it is." And the "way it is" is what's destroying this game.

    In short, this game isn't fun, and it ultimately fails on the most basic of levels to create a fun and firm but fair PvP experience. In fact, you can hardly call this game a PvP game at all, it's closer to a pray-you-don't-run-into-someone-stronger-than-you game. It doesn't bother even trying to pair up players of equal strength. It would be okay, if this game was skill-based like Team Fortress 2, but it's not. Not only does it take a huge amount of your time to get somewhere, but other players will run in because they need to finish a stupid quest or something and end up, knowingly or unknowingly, bullying the other players into waiting until later to play. And may I remind you: JUST ONE PLAYER HAS THE POTENTIAL TO DO THIS TO 10+ OTHER PLAYERS. JUST BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN WITH THIS GAME FOR A WHILE DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE.

    On top of that, I keep hearing that it's "too easy for noobs these days" and that "I had to work way harder to get somewhere when I joined." May I remind you, that there wasn't a bajillion selfish REMOVED running around, willing to ruin as many as 30 people's game at once just so they can finish a damn quest? Oh. Yeah. I'm sure those quests are SO hard for you. Maybe they should get rid of those nasty decel rockets that you never get hit with because noobs can't afford them anyway? Okay, seriously, I promised I wasn't going to bother holding back with little niceties to spare people's feelings, so here it is. People in this game are freaking selfish. Someone from my own company started a clan war with me because I shot at "his" Cubikon, when there was about a twentieth of its health left, with the weakest possible ammo, no hellstorms, and R-310s. There are people just like that all over this game, that guy was no rarity, and people like him ruin it for everyone else. I once suggested to make the santa bot passive, but people said it can be helpful when they're trying to noob hunt. I didn't say this, but I was itching to. That is incredibly selfish. You want to keep a thorn in everyone elses side just so you can get just a handfull of easy pickings? I'm not even going to begin to go into what is wrong with that, not that they'd understand. I also think more than a handful on here are just flatout mean, too. They flood the chat with calling other players noobs, laughing at people mean-spiritedly, or angrily threaten to pop someone over things that aren't remotely offensive. I don't even bother using the chat, it's almost as bad as talking to a bunch of high-school bullies... Which, in essence, is what they are.

    This game also doesn't bother trying to encourage player advancement. The best way I know how to advance is by dully killing streuners and lordakias and boxing, and it goes without saying that that's boring. But it's safe, and I can't get popped every other minute because it has the danger bar. Even then I have to sit waiting at port until the guy goes away. And take a look at the quests. They offer no decent reward for noobs, but the ones they give to high level players offer disgustingly high amounts of uridium. Other than lordakia farming, it offers no decent way to advance yourself to greater heights. And if you try to actually play the game to advance yourself, you get popped in a matter of minutes, and you have to wait ten minutes before they leave so you can try(and fail) to have fun again. This is once again what I was talking about what I said that this game fails on the most basic levels when it comes to PvP... No sir, you most definitely did NOT have it harder as a noob, whether the game gave you a LF-3 or not. Go back to fussing over how hard it is to get a LF-4 when players all around you are struggling to get a LF-3.

    To sum it up, the problem with this game isn't even in the game itself, it lies in selfish, mean players who hate it when people complain about them and quickly try to hush them up and greedy developers who think the solution to every problem is add more firepower higher than the last update(I'm looking at you, LF-4, apis and zues, upgrades and drone designs) and more ways for them to make money. The combination of these two types of people make Dark Orbit less of a game and closer to working in a Chinese iPhone factory. The recent change to the auction system, free repairs, and the transition of several uri items to credit items was a step in the right direction, but it's not enough. Speaking of that, I was shocked to find yet another selfish REMOVED upset over the auction change simply because "he had it harder as a noob" and noobs should struggle as much as he did. Suck that in. Goodbye, Dark Orbit. I'm gonna laugh when you crash and burn because of your failure to care for your players and your blatant greed.

    I'm not sorry for anything I said. Dark Orbit's your problem now, guys.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 22, 2013
  2. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

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