I can not access my account

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Cristy, Jan 25, 2014.

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  1. Cristy

    Cristy User

    Hello! I can not access my account darkorbit tells me the password is incorrect. Akin and email address is the same, I tried to change my password but no mime ask my old phone that you no longer my account name is goodgame [HAG] or SpiritHunter >> << | 18 |
    Thank you!
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    When was the last time you logged into the game?
    Cristy likes this.
  3. Cristy

    Cristy User

    the other night, and yesterday morning I could not get
  4. You first step is to use the forgotten password function which should send your password to the registered email address. If this doesn't help then you should contact support.
    Cristy likes this.
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