Discussion in 'General Archive' started by **Ayana2**, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. **Ayana2**

    **Ayana2** User

    This is my first time in forum ! I hope I'm asking for help in the right place ! I lost GAMMA just now .. Yesterday i lost 1 life and today i lost the gate completely because of lag ! I will be most greatfull if you will give me back this gate … it took me to much to build it ! Thank you !
  2. If you select the help option from your home page and send a ticket to support they will be able to help in this area. The option is located in the same area you went to for navigation to the forums. Good Luck
    **Ayana2** likes this.
  3. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    I am sorry to hear that you lost your gate, I am afraid that the above post is correct, you will have to send a message to support as we no linger have a private section in the forum.

    **Ayana2** likes this.
  4. **Ayana2**

    **Ayana2** User

  5. **Ayana2**

    **Ayana2** User

    Thank you very much for your reply ! I will address to support now :)
  6. Shifterai

    Shifterai User

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as sorting with Support.
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