I need help with my computer

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by xxxxxx...., Mar 23, 2023.

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  1. xxxxxx....

    xxxxxx.... User

    hello i want to ask for help:
    - my game crashes when building a base, when i insert a module it crashes
    - when i jump through portals it freezes for 30 seconds i can't move
    - when i fight it crashes again
    - FPS from 40-50 suddenly drops to 5-10, I can't figure out why
    - I reinstalled WIndows, cleaned sneakers, changed the thermal paste of the processor
    My PC:
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    Intel® Core™ i5-3570 Processor 6M Cache, up to 3.80 GHz
    8 GB DDR3 RAM (2 x 4 GB)
    AMD Redragon R7 200 seies
    Nexus RX-8500 - 850W
    64-bit operating systems
    the computer is old but meets the requirements that bigpoint donated!
    1. Can you give me some advice on how to improve my FPS so it doesn't drop like this?
    2. Can you give me a suggestion for a new computer ?

    if possible and bigpoint can offer pc parts for stable game
    thanks for the suggestions in advance and sorry for my bad english
    Good game and good work for all
  2. Larrakin

    Larrakin User

    There's your problem

    If you have recently updated your graphics driver it will cause issues with DO.
    Recent versions of AMD graphics drivers will not work with DO. Or rather DO will not work with recent AMD drivers.

    There is a thread about it somewhere but it doesn't seem to be pinned, I couldn't find it.