Ice Meteor event lags the server

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Xmancode, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Xmancode

    Xmancode User


    i have noticed that as soon as "ice meteor event" starts i get this lags ( like 5 sec delay in what time i cant do anything)

    Have you guys noticed this also?
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello Xmancode

    Unfortunately, this will always be the case when additional NPCs are required to spawn on the map (Ref Bots, Icys, etc). The extra activity requires greater resources from the game, which results in increased lag (the severity will depend on your computer performace). All we can suggest is to refresh often to keep clearing the gamedata.

    Closing, as this is always an issue which Support is working on, so there is nothing else we can add.

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