Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kod^, Feb 14, 2016.

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  1. kod^

    kod^ User

    Hello ,make the game normaly ,its mixed now .make the company better no whisper no invite to the another player who are not from your company,only whisper and invite who are in your company.axample if im MMO and another player are from VRU OR EIC you cant invite or whisper or add him to the clan.This will be nice .
  2. It is possible to do already. in chat: /ignore [player nickname] and you wont see him anymore by whispers. not able to invite? Press ignore in your friend list window in your game. Sounds like you wish to bot, and not been able to get seen by other players who can send u invite and check if you are online and make vid of it. Thats bad bro. We will continue to make videos of botters and send to support. have a great day! :)
  3. This will not be implemented as chat is a feature of the game and it allows players to ask for protection if they are trying to do a quest in enemy territory. And if you are doing quests in Uber maps sometimes you can only get help from enemy players, so the idea is not a well thought request and will not fly.
    I follow where the guy is coming from, he is being targeted by a friendly ship for an enemy ship and wants to stop the communication between each, not necessarily a botter. But spies are going to be in the game and communication between companies is going to happen (that is why Global Chat is there), plus with the number of players using TeamSpeak and other hands free chat programs you are not going to be able to govern this activity. Friends are friends and it does not make any difference what company they are in they will still communicate to each other.
  4. whatever the motives are, the way he put it makes it sound suspicious and will most likely never get noticed by the dev team... if you want something to be passed on to them you have to gives details about your idea ALONG with details about WHY you want said change and the good that will come out of it not just for you, but for the game as a whole.
  5. Bottom line, this is another request for an end to MCC. Also, players have friends in different companies, whether genuine friends or friendly enemies. As mentioned, the chat is there, global as well as company, and players have various reasons to chat with other company players. Next door neighbors play as enemies but still want to talk about the neighborhood party, whatever. There is nothing wrong with the chat as is. If you don't like it, just ignore the player as mentioned above.
  6. Here is where your logic falls down first of all Do wont do that because its not fair everyone alot of people like whisper and even more being in groups to anyone they want but hey lets say they did do it guess what?Team speak will still be around and all company's will be speaking to each other so then it there so you see your logic is broken.

    P.S half the server empty changing the chat will only make players more angry and leave the invite and whisper system is fine. is what keeps it going.
  7. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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