If your flash player quits

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by ]Coldheart[, Jul 11, 2019.

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  1. Sometimes, due to an update in software, the flash player may stop; or just doesn't start up.
    (well... it was going to be a screenshot... but since I do not use 3rd party software it is just a text . . .)

    Based on the Firefox browser:

    On your client screen, if Flash is not running, you should see a centered Adobe icon.
    1- Click it.

    2- Next a drop down box appears -

    BEFORE you click to start Flash running again, see step 3.

    3- Make sure you check the box to have the browser remember to have Flash run the next time.

    4- Click to Allow the Adobe Flash to run.
  2. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    chrome, opera and some other browers no longer support flash .
  3. Running Opera right now. Flash does not seem to be a problem. ( version 62.0.3331.116 )
    So far, each individual address, if it requires flash, must be allowed to run flash.
    So if you use one log-in and access multiple servers, you need to allow once on main log-in and once per server you have a ship on.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2019
  4. Just use Google Chrome, comes with flash player.