Improvements that help everyone

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 118672, Dec 17, 2013.

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Does dark orbit do enough for the community

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No they haven't been for years

    8 vote(s)
  3. No but they are getting better

    4 vote(s)
  1. 118672

    118672 User

    Sorry for spelling and typo's. I got exams and details where never my strong suit
    So I don't post or play to often anymore but ive been reading a lot.
    Heres my background, I used to be a big wallet warrior, All designs on drones ships lots of lf4s and upgrades... But since I'veve grown up a little Ive turned into a free player for over a year now.
    I keep reading a lot of fix teh probabilities and make uri easier to get.
    Dark orbit would probably have no problem making the game a little cheaper(profit wise they would still make a very similar ammount) but here is the issue they will run into.
    As someone who has spent about 1500 on this game total in my 6 years of playing, I dont want people who don't spend or put years of effort in to get where I'm at. Im sure like most who spent money on this game spent it to get an advantage, and when uri is so much easier to get the advantage goes away. Money we spent was useless. I know what many of you are thinking, but there are more free plays or tiny spenders than there are wallet warriors. Dark orbit does not want to REMOVED off the players that spend money to make the players that don't happy. Thats bad buisness, sure much of the community is happy but the people that pay matter much more then the people that don't to a company.
    Also the only way browser games make money is by pay to play or pay to win, you can't have neither. So as long as dark orbit is free to play it will always be pay to win. I'm not justifying the enormous crap that have put us through, thats wrong, but to make money they need people to spend it.

    So after my long paragraph the question is what can we do to improve live for both wallet warriors and free players?
    1) Dark orbits public relations sucks, you guys need to get you crap together. Support is rude and unhelpful. Dark orbit takes good Ideas and makes them really really bad. Ex(pushing system, box uri reduction and cap, auction page, and just about everything else in this game). Making the game more customer friendly will dramatically improve the communities consensus of the game.

    2) an auction/trade system where players can sell thier gear for uri. This will help because it will benefit all the ufes who have way too many hercs or lf4s or stupid stuff from booty boxes that they don't need, while also benefiting those that can't afford 200 dollars a month for the next five years to be ufe.
    (This will work as long as do doesn't put the typical do touch on it and make it stupid and useless)

    3) give a retroactive bonus to frequent buyers. Something cool and helpful but not over kill.

    4) increase bonus box uri and npc rewards

    5) get rid of that junk rank system and replace it with something more

    6) create a system that rewards your clan and company that both free players can actually help with. A poor example is the clan battle station(as a ufe player I can't even afford to help make a good base)

    7) I think this is a controversial Idea but I personally think it is important. A uri clan bank that is donation based. That uri has to come from somewhere why not share it. ( this obviously has to come with restrictions as some can just make new accounts and give the uri)

    8) this is also an important Idea. Listen to the community. Other then the bot update I can not think of an update in the last 3 years that got more positive feedback than negative feedback. This is for dark orbit, remember we are the ones that pay your bills, don't force unwanted unnecessary updates down our throats if you don't get a single positive comment about it in the first 20 pages why do you guys leave it in there

    9) have a more active interaction between the players and the developers. There are so many ideas that go unresponded to(probably this one too) Its important that the community knows that as a team dark orbit is not some money sucking scam ( first you guys should probably stop being a money sucking scam) Have some interaction with the people on this forum and yes rick i mean you, 2 or 3 comments a month is not what I call interaction. While it is appreciated its certainly not enough, get more people who actually have some kind of position of power in the corporate chain to come talk to us and clarify updates and stuff)

    10) This one isn't necessary but it would be nice. Better gifts rewards/ events. It be cool if you made more events worth something. Sure crazy cubi and hitac are really nice but everything else from holiday boxes to holiday npcs are relatively useless

    11) Understand that you are in a very deep whole with much of the community especially those who played and loved the old dark orbit. This game is not going to last long unless you change stuff and change stuff soon

    12) this game is so outdated compared to other browser games try to do some of the things they do.

    Hope rick reads this

    tell me what you guys think good or bad
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 17, 2013
    Alphabet likes this.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I'll go through each idea:

    1. Agreed, they should have a 24 limit on which they guarantee you will be responded to from support. Public rep. has gone way down, and they are relying on to do their advertising for them.
    2. This has been a controversial idea for a couple of years now. An auction system would be nice, but can easily be abused by UFE players. If 1 UFE player has 5 extra LF4s, then another almost UFE player can buy them and suddenly become UFE.
    3. They try to do this by entering you into the Top Players Club or whatever it is called. Not alot of people get into it, and even when you are in it, you don't get that much.
    4. Yes and yes
    5. Can you explain that some more? What would it be replaced with?
    6. Agreed, you shouldn't be punished for being a free player, which they are doing alot now a days, making people leave.
    7. Same idea as number 2.
    8. Agreed, if the community does not like a recent update, ASK us what we want instead. They are just adding things that they think we would like (such as the new music) and then we get mad. With the new forums and the back page announcement of it, I am hoping that they use it to their advantage to help learn public opinion.
    9. They tried to do this with the Developer thread and allowing players to post in it, however, the lack of quick responses make people think no one is actually looking at it. They should hire 1 person, ONLY ONE PERSON. I know, a bank breaker. But this one person would be in touch with the developers and support, and would be in charge of the developer thread. Almost like an "inside guy".
    10. Agreed, the boxes are completely worthless. Thanks for the "You can not collect this box, your ammo storage is full" and the 266 credits.
    11. The population of players has been going down drastically within the past couple of months. Between the bots and people just giving up, it has become a waste land.
    12. I agree that certain things need changing (Chat being a big one), but large updates at once will not be beneficial.
    118672 likes this.
  3. 118672

    118672 User

    6) I haven't put much thought into how they could change it, but I can point out problems with the current system a) strongly strongly favors the players that pay putting a bigger gap between free and paying. B) the rank system is really screwed up by the botters C) while I like the idea of old players being ranked higher then new players because rank points accumulate over time it again makes newer players not want to stay with the game, which is cool cause I am an old player but it's not cool because I can't get my friends to play because of how boring this game is when you're new.
    Maybe change the rank system (not the top players system) to a monthly thing ans you get a rank based on how much you benefited your company last month.. Idk something that keeps ranking competitive but not ridiculously skewed like the current one

    9) as for this I think one person would give the same result as the last one seeimg as dark orbit has so many servers on so many different countries I think trying to keep tabs on it all would be overload and wouldn't be effective maybe a small team of current developers who devote an hour each day or so to reading and directly commenting about people's ideas/concerns.

    12) also agree to many changes to fast would upset people but I think the devs team's focus is I'm the wrong place. We don't need more ui changes and sound tracks and things that don't matter much. I think they should work on real issues and implement those kind of changes after they have fixed the game.
    An exception being graphic, sound, and cleaning up code for efficiencyto reduce server load is always good.
  4. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    Bunch of Great Ideas. We can only hope that Rick and the Team take it to heart and start working towards the right answers for the players.
  5. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    The issue is everyone seem to look at it from their position rather than the average player and the game as a whole.

    "I dont want people who don't spend or put years of effort in to get where I'm at"
    is a short sighted selfish attitude, that is the kind of attitude that has caused the game to loose so many average players/spenders.

    You spent £1500.

    The thousands of player that spent a few hundred pounds and was FE, had there ship devalued when the bio came out.
    Anyone that bought full battle bio instantly had a massive advantage, so anyone else that had spent up to that point was now massively weaker in real terms.

    Each time a new update came out the same happened.
    So the fewer and fewer players that spent to get the latest update as they came out and the cheats that got to keep there ill gotten gains, totally devalued everyone else's equipment.

    So to say that it would not be fair is short sighted. You have had the benefit of the additional battle strength over the time you have played.

    Anyone that spend stupid amounts of money on the game buying the updates spoiled the game for everyone else as DO thought they could just keep milking it with the next new update.

    Items should become cheaper over time.

    If you played a sport and some new technology came out which improved you performance, that equipment would sell at a premium for a while, the older equipment would have already been reducing in cost over time.
    Players of that sport would not be saying
    "I dont want people who don't spend or put years of effort in to get where I'm at" especial when you look at reality of this game.
    If items became cheaper over time, it would not create a situation as you describe, players would still take a crazy amount of time and or money to get UFE even if everything was reduced in price by 75% or more today. ( not that I expect that to happen. )

    Pre BIO it would only take 3-6 month of free play to get to FE. Now if you was just starting out; to get to UFE will take years, most will never achieve UFE these days Even many players that spend a few £k over the time they play DO will not make UFE.

    So most as soon as they have played for a short time will realise they have no chance of getting anywhere in the game and give up, as they are not invested in the game.

    Until the game focuses on the average player rather than a limited number of high spenders, the game is likely to continue losing active player numbers. ( active player being players that actually add EP not as shown in the company stats. )
  6. I think the game is becoming boring in general, honestly the only thing keeping me going at the minute is the players that i want to pop, the NPC's got a makeover and their shield damage ratio strength got adjusted too (after bio came out).

    We need new NPC's, something bigger than a cube and newer more enjoyable quests/events. I think each company also needs to have their own advantages, whatever they may be.
    cooljak96 likes this.