In-Game Contact List FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Apr 7, 2014.

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    ASTRAEA User

    FAQ In-Game Contact List

    The newest feature in DarkOrbit Reloaded is the in-game Contact List. We added this feature to make it easier for you to play together with your friends. You will now be able to see the people you regularly play with, who you invited to be your friends and the people who are in your clan.

    contact 1.png

    Q: What information is displayed in the new Contact List window?

    A: If you are in a clan the new Contact List window shows all the clan members of the clan you are in and all the people you have invited to become your friends in the game.

    You will see if your contact is currently online and on the same map as you, if it is a friend from an enemy clan or one of your clan’s members as well as friend requests sent by you or someone else.

    At the top of the window, you find several filters and buttons:

    · Show/Hide your friends

    · Show/Hide your own Clan members

    · Show/Hide Invitations

    · Show/Hide People you have blocked

    · A textbox to enter a player name

    · Icons to Invite/Remove/Block the person whose name is in the textbox

    Q: How do I open the Contact List window?

    A: The new Contact List will replace the old “Clan” window. Click on the “Contact List” icon (the two heads with the “+” sign) in the client’s main menu bar in the top left corner. (As shown below)

    contact 2.png

    Adding/Removing/Blocking Player - The Upper Part of the Window

    Q: How do I invite a player?

    A: One way is to enter the player’s name in the textbox and click on the little “Invite” button with the little stylized portrait figure. The other way is to click on the person’s ship and then use the invite button. (As shown below)

    contact 3.png

    Q: There is someone I don’t like and who I don’t want to be friends with. How I can make sure he does not send me any invites (anymore)?

    A: When the player’s name appears in the textbox (either you have typed it in there or when you have clicked on the ship on the map), simply click on the “No” sign (the crossed out circle).
    (As shown Below)

    contact 4.png

    Q: I just decided that I do not want a particular player to be on my contact list anymore. How do I get rid of the person?

    A: To remove someone from your list, either click on the name on your contact list, type the name into the textbox or click on the player if you see him and then click the “X” button.
    (As Shown Below)

    contact 5.png

    Information about your Friends - The Contact List

    The main part of the window is made up by the actual Contact List. Here you can see all the people you have added as friends, who are in your clan, who have sent you friend invites or who you did send invites to and of course all the people you have blocked.

    Q: What do the different icons mean?

    A: From left to right you see a colored portrait icon, a “c” symbol if you are in a clan and the contact as well, the name of the player and a button to interact with this player.

    Q: What do the different colors of the little portrait icon mean?

    A: The portrait icon (a head/shoulder symbol) is displayed in different colors:

    · Red: Your friend / clan member is currently offline

    · Green: Your friend / clan member is currently online

    · Blue: Your friend / clan member is online and on the same map as you.

    · Yellow: You have sent a friend-request to someone.

    o Yellow with a little “x” symbol: Your friend request has been declined.

    · Grey: Incoming friend request which has not been answered.

    Q: There is a crossed-out circle in front of the player’s name. What is that?

    A: You have blocked this player from sending you friend requests.

    Q: There is a small “c” icon in front of the name – what’s that?

    A: When you are in a clan, this symbol shows in which relation you are to the player’s clan. The color of the “c” symbol means:

    · Green: The person is in the same clan as you.

    · Blue: The person is in a clan which is neutral.

    · Red: The person is in an enemy clan.

    Q: What do the icons mean that are on the right side of the player’s name?

    A: You can see the following symbols there:

    · “+”: Invite this player to join your group.

    · “x”: remove a pending invitation or remove player from your blacklist.

    · “Thumbs up” / “Thumbs down”: Accept / Decline another player’s friend invitation.

    (As shown Below)

    contact 6.png

    Q: What can I do if I don’t want to receive any more friend requests?

    A: At the bottom of the window you find a check-box that says “Block all invitations” – if you click this, everyone who wants to send you a friend requests gets the message that you do not receive them. (As shown Below)

    contact 7.png

    Q: When I made a change to my contact list, the window is greyed out for a short time. Is that intentional?

    A: Yes. To prevent certain malicious users spamming others and to ensure that all requests are correctly processed by our servers, the client will have to wait until the servers acknowledge the change you made on your list.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
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