Introduce penalties for dropping mines on your own company

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TitanAce, Sep 17, 2014.

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  1. TitanAce

    TitanAce User

    So mines are set not to damage a base but will damage your clan/company, without consequences?

    So really all they need to do is change mines so that if someone is popped as a result of your mine you get credit for the kill.. If it is a friendly kill you lose honor, if it is an enemy kill you gain honor. Either way, another player was popped due to your actions and you should get credit for that.

    - - - - -
    I watched a guy in X-6 earlier solo cubing.. Some guy from the same company dropped 3 mines on him and the cube popped him. The guy who dropped the mines got the cube kill (and popped someone from his own company to get it).

    Dropping mines on your own company should have consequences.
    Or not damage your own company unless you are in a clan war with the person/s you are dropping them on.
  2. Oh Boo Hoo, Stop complaining and build your mine bio up. Mines are alot of fun.
  3. look, the point of a base is for its clan to make use of it as best as possible. Therefore, it is free game for anyone, company or non company
  4. Not the cube, it was never meant to be soloed. The cube should stay, let "leechers" come. You gotta pop em.
  5. TitanAce

    TitanAce User

    Interesting, so by your logic I should be able to attack anyone on a base whether they are the same company as me or not?? Why not, "companies" as a whole could just be removed and the whole thing be about clans.

    It would seem you either missed the point of the thread, or just didn't bother to read it.
    Sorry, not sure if your just being a very bad troll or just didn't bother to think before posting. Try posting a response that at least has something to do with the topic, "mines fun" has nothing to do with how they work.
  6. actually i did read your post, what you are proposing is understandable but it part of the game. You will have same company players who are clanless harass you and set mines on your bases to tick you off. But asking DO to do something about it is just not necessary to be honest. Try calling in a player from a diff company to handle them, Plus, you can make ur lost honor in a few minutes. I understand the frustration regarding players doing it, but it doesnt warrant intervention from DO based on your idea. But thats just my opinion. Folks do it to me all the time, and eh, i pop em. Remember you have a minimap that lets you know if a company player is cloaked and is around you.
  7. TitanAce

    TitanAce User

    Oh goody, I so love the "that's the way its always been" attitude.
    I really have a hard time believing this attitude, the game has poor mechanics and because that is how it has always been DO should not have to do anything to fix or improve it?

    Calling in someone from another company should not be the only solution to dealing with someone who is essentially an enemy to my clan and company. Why should a friend of mine from another company be a target for everyone else in the system just to pop someone from my company who is attacking me at my base?
    If you shoot someone from your company for dropping mines on you - you lose honor, he loses - NOTHING, yet he is aggressor.
    If you pop someone from your own company because he starts shooting at you - he loses honor. Mines should work in a similar manner.

    Alternately, mines dropped directly on a base should not explode, at all. Have an exclusion zone around the base where the mines need to be a minimum distance from the base before they will activate. Someone can then drop as many mines as they like around the base but not specifically target those guarding the base.

    Why should I lose honor and risk the pirate tag because someone from my own company is attacking me without consequences?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
  8. Im not gonna argue with you since it seems that you are head strong on your idea. I just disagree and it gets a no from me, the game needs more fixes on other things than just this. Deuces :)
  9. TitanAce

    TitanAce User

    I agree there is much that could be done to make the game better for all but if people don't support suggested changes in the forums and vote them down simply because they don't see it as a priority, NOTHING gets changed/fixed.
    So saying no simply because it is not a change you support is only making it easier for those who can implement change, to do nothing.
  10. I understand you, but why would i support and Idea that I am not for? Then i would be advocating for a change that I dont see the need for. I say yes to several things, especially things like allowing a player to be considered a kos by a clan for a day or two by marking them red because of how many times they shot u down or a clan mate. BUt the whole mine thing just doesnt make me want to run to support and say please change this. Look I agree that its annoying, and maybe if the mines caused damage to the base, then I would be all for it.
  11. TitanAce

    TitanAce User

    Interesting you support making someone Kos for a set time for aggressive acts against you or your clan but not concerned how bombs work and how they are used..
    If they use mines to help a clan you are at war with to pop you that is ok? Should they not get credit for the kill (and lose the honor), should you not be able to pop them without losing honor?
  12. Its not that, but u want a solution to fix the whole same clan using mines, so that was my solution. Would you prefer that if a mine hits you from a company player, that it should be the same as if they shot at you and when you retaliate you dont get neg honor?
  13. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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