Invisible Emperor Kristallon NPC

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 哈Y哈O哈U哈, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. The Emperor Kristallon NPC was invisible for the entire duration of the final wave in Hades, and this contributed to difficulties in locking it. I also froze up (perhaps as a result from the invisible NPC) and I lost a life, leading to the loss of my gate.

    In the old forum, I remember a private tech section where you were allowed to get a life back after losing it due to technical reasons (once a month). I cannot find it here, but I appreciate any efforts to give me gate back.

    I apologize for not having a screen shot, and I can confirm this bug if needed among the other members who were in my outfit, and also died as a result from the bugs present in the Hades gate. Unfortunately, I do not have their UIDs with me, so I would have to contact them individually if I am needed to do this.

    UID: 94992404
    US East 3
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello 哈Y哈O哈U哈

    As you have stated, we no longer have a facility on the Forums for dealing with Gate issues such as this. You will need to contact Support for any possible Gate resets.
    There is a link in my signature for convenience.

    Contact Support
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