Is it worth to rush for AEGIS ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Whiteidiot, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. Whiteidiot

    Whiteidiot User

    Hi everyone, i didnt know where to post this thread but i guess here would be fine. So back to my question..

    I have 3 lf3 and 4 BO2, 2 iris and ofcorse im with LEO. I was thinking to save up all my earned uri for AEGIS, but is it worth? Maybe i need to invest my uri in other things to get stronger and only then to think about getting aegis?
  2. Save up as much uridium as you can but join a clan and try and get credits from the clan to bid for Iris, B02 and LF-3 but first you should get a pet when you get basic FE with full iris, B02 and LF-3 and then get some pilot points and then go for an aegis because it would be a lot quicker to get FE then get the uri because then you can go to uppers and bash BK's or Lordakiums etc
  3. Whiteidiot

    Whiteidiot User

    As i understad you sugest to invest uri for some BO2, LF3 and PP? Im thinking that for F2P player its not worth to invest here, only get it in auction with C ... Everyone knows its pain in the *** to colect it.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  4. You really should get basic FE first ( full BO2, full LF3, Full Iris) ....Do this any way you can, box for uri, churn npc's , or join a clan and get creds to bid on everything, so you can use your uri for PP's.
    Go for at least the first 12-15 PP's, they are vital for surviving, not just pvp, as they help shield absorption, HP level, and what not, that's good for fighting npc's as well.

    MY advise: Go collect pali in 5-3, it is awful and boring , but it gets you gates, which get you URI , WHITES, and ELITE equip if you do Zetas, epsilons, or kappas.

    Also, there's some new pirate missions , so you can earn good EP just from shooting pirates off you while you collect .;)

    For building players I recommend ZETAS: they give 25 booty keys (save for golden booty day, you will get zeus and apis parts, also LF4's )....and 50 log disks or so which let you build you pilot bio "for free" .

    After you BIO is all set and / or you have full havoks, switch to kappas, for LF4's and HERCS.

    PPL will say that zetas arn't worth it , and you should go for kappas and epsilons instead, but I say do zetas if you don't have apis or zeus or a strong bio yet, the 25 booty keys and 50 log disks go a LONG way to helping you get bio , zeus , and apis with little or no uri spent . :).....

    Hope all this helps, I know its not the answer you wanted, as I can tell you really want the Aegis lolz :p Good Luck .
    Whiteidiot likes this.
  5. Whiteidiot

    Whiteidiot User

    Thanks for reply:)

    By the way, does anyone know what would be minimum equipment for successful pally collecting?
    I mean what u wont die trying to collect it...
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2014
  6. Hello Whiteidiot

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    I would say follow the advise of the players who posted previously in this thread and try to Full elite first and then try to go for Aegis.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  7. Whiteidiot

    Whiteidiot User

    You can close it.
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