is there risk to loose my account ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ROULOUS___HELLAS, Jan 18, 2014.

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  1. hi all

    for some time now I help my friend who is studing and has no time to play do and i sell promerium for him from his skylab (using his account) from my pc
    is this considered as pushing or .. i do not know what else ?
    is there a risk to loose his or mine account ?
    (we are not in same clan - we do not give each other credits or any kind of other illegal help)
    i would prefer an bp employ reply

    thanks for advanced
  2. .D1™

    .D1™ User

    Actually according to your post above, you and the other player who's account you are logging into could both be in violation of the Terms of service. This section here if you look under item 4 Registration, sub section 8, it is a violation as it can be considered sharing of accounts. Also read the bottom paragraph of this section as that will answer your query as well.

    I only answered as I have been playing and dealing w BigPoint for about 8 years, I have answered many questions for those who may not know the game/ games I play and may have worked on.

    Thank you .D1™ for assisting with this thread.

    Sharing of account is not allowed and it can lead to suspension of accounts and also I would suggest if you are ignorant about this fact, please read the Terms & Conditions mentioned in below link:
    General Terms & Conditions for Bigpoint.
    Also if you have anything further on this, you can Contact Support for further assistance.

    Closing as OP was directed to support
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