Items in bids didn't arrive

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by LouDeR, Sep 22, 2023.

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  1. LouDeR

    LouDeR User

    I just bid on several items and i didn't get those items, didn't get my credits back nor i got any emails about it.
  2. For some reason you get them 1 hour after you bid. Probably has to do with their servers being garbage
    Ereck_Dragonflame likes this.
  3. Yep, you should wait least one hundred. If still missing, then contact to the support,
    and ask crusial help from big boint dude's. And advice, if you click too fast in the auction,
    capthca code will come, and hijack you time for silly questions with pictures, and by then the auction has already closed. Because for some reason you can't shout bids at the speed of light in the space auction.
    And again : Probably has to do with their servers being garbage.