It's a PET thing...

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Nkuyu, Monday at 10:57 PM.

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  1. Nkuyu

    Nkuyu User

    Hello all:

    As of a couple of months I have noticed that my pet randomly stays at the portal I just jumped through, frozen...I have to close it and restart it and then it starts working again...Other times it resets itself to Passive Mode when going through the jump gates. Other times, if another player is close, their PET shows as mine on the PET mode selection box. I wonder if it is a server issue, or an account issue, or if anyone else is having this happen. I clear the cache on every new login and it still happens, like I said, randomly. Is it something I would need to open a Service Ticket with Support???

    EDIT: I forgot to mention that the button menu at the top of the screen also moves at times (randomly) having to open the Configuration Mode, reset it and exit.
    Last edited: Yesterday at 9:10 AM