Jackpot Arena

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 17, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Jackpot Arena FAQ

    An invitation layer will appear 48 hours before the Jackpot Arena begins. Players can enter their information in this layer to register for the battle. Registration for the Jackpot Arena closes at 1:55 pm.* There is no inherent right to participate in the Jackpot Arena.

    Match Procedure

    1. Starting at 2:00 pm* all online users scheduled for the first round will be pulled to the Arena maps where they will fight their first round in a 1 vs. 1 fight. Players are required to be online at least 5 minutes before the tournament starts to be able to participate.

    2. Once both players are on the Jackpot Arena map, a countdown will start to let the players know when the Non Attack Zone has been lifted and the fight has begun.

    3. If a player fails to be online by the time the pulling phase ends and the match starts, it is counted as a forfeit and the other player moves to the next round without having to fight. If neither player makes it to the map for a scheduled match at least 20 seconds before the end of the pulling phase, then the countdown starts and it is counted as a general forfeit — both players are disqualified as no-shows.
    4. In the event there an uneven number of players are available for matching, the last player will get a Free Pass to the next block without having to fight an enemy.
    5. Each match has a maximum duration of 5 minutes. If no winner has been declared after 4 minutes, the radiation zone closes in and decreases the map size in order to force a decision. In the case that both players survive the 5 minute mark the player with the most HP left is declared the winner.

    6. Players who get destroyed in a Jackpot Arena match are out of the arena event. After each match both players will be warped back to their home base on X-1.

    7. The overall number of rounds to be fought will be determined by the number of players participating in the Jackpot Arena.

    8. The Jackpot Arena is over when there is only 1 player left who has won the last match.

    Important rules and limitations

    * Players destroyed in the Jackpot Arena will not have their drones damaged and do not have to pay for their repair.

    * Regardless of whether they won or lost, when a player leaves or enters the Jackpot Arena map their HP and Shield will fully be restored on both configurations.

    * Participants must be at least 18 years of age.

    * Italy, Brazil and some states in the US are excluded from the Jackpot Arena

    * As with the old system users on stage1 of the new bot detection will not be eligible to win prices in the JPA. (They may sign up and participate for the fun of it but each user will be rechecked before any pay-outs occur.)

    * Item Blacklist:

    o Cloak CPUs (All Types)

    o Jump CPUs (All Types)

    o Ship Warp

    * Nano Hull

    o Nano Hull may be taken to the battle but the player cannot refill it during a fight

    o When the Players uses his Galaxy Gate materializer in a Jackpot Arena fight he will get everything credited except the Nano hull. When the fight is over he will receive the Nano hull that he should have gained through use of the materializer while in the arena.

    Jackpot Arena Status window

    * Provides confirmation that the player has successfully registered for the Jackpot Arena.

    * Displays the number of participating players and how many players are still remaining in the tournament

    * Shows which round is coming up or is currently underway

    * States player and his opponent’s name and profile pic

    o If a player has received a Free Pass during the tournament, this will be displayed in the opponent info in the status window and in the Hall of Fame. The player will not be warped to an arena map but rather will see on the status window that he got a Free Pass.

    o If the matchmaking for the next fight has not started yet the opponent’s name will be shown as “Pending…”

    * Informs the player when their next match is and whom they are fighting next.

    * Displays the countdowns for:

    o Start of next match

    o Start of next pulling phase (when players get warped to an arena map)

    o Start of the actual match

    o End of the match

    Match Result window

    * Will be displayed for 30 seconds after the end of a match, and can be closed manually by the player if he does not want to wait that long

    * Banner shows if the player won or lost the match

    * Shows the following statistics

    o Duration of the fight

    o Total damage given: total damage given to the opponent

    o Total damage received: total damage received from the opponent

    o Peak damage: highest damage given in a 'tick'

    o Victories to date: refers to all Jackpot Arenas a player has participated in

    o Losses to date: refers to all Jackpot Arenas a player has participated in

    o Win rate in percentage: refers to all Jackpot Arenas a player has participated in

    Hall of Fame

    * The results from past Jackpot Arenas can be found in the Hall of Fame. Players will be able to select the date of a previous Jackpot Arena.


    * The Winner of the Tournament will receive a title and an achievement that says: "Jackpot Winner."

    * The achievement can only be unlocked once.


    What Do you get if you are the Winner?
    The amount of Jackpot Dollars on your account - Plus
    The Winner of the Tournament will receive a title and an achievement that says: "Jackpot Winner." (only unlocked once)

    What is Jackpot money? And where can I find it?
    There are jackpot pounds hidden in the bonus boxes which you can collect on the map. The money from these boxes will be added together and your jackpot will increase. The highest jackpot allowed is 10,000.

    Can a player with a Spearhead, use their special ability the Ultimate cloak.
    Yes, Ultimate Cloak (Spearhead ship skill) is allowed

    *All times refer to CET times.

    Edit: Jackpot Arena has been placed on HOLD as of July 27th, 2015.

    Note from the Producer on JPA - On Hold
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 13, 2017
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