Jackpot issues

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sarah_Kerrigan[UC], Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. ▀▄▀▄†SPARTACUS™†▄▀▄▀ you are correct, since they are illegal means in the JPA as Okapi32 already said then why aren't they just disabling them?
    And yes it is thanks to people that think like he did and acted like he did that do will be able to spot such things and fix them in order for the future JP games to be better.
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello Sarah_Kerrigan[UC]

    The response we received from Support is that the use of the Spearhead's Ultimate Camouflage ability is considered permissable for the JPA events. The only items not permitted are actual cloaking devices (CPUs).

    I realise this is a change from the previous FAQ - our information has been updated in the Descriptions/Glossary section accordingly.

    I do admit that it is a controversial situation - some of the capabilities for the new ships have changed the dynamic of the JPA considerably, so it is an area that may need to be examined further. If you wish to discuss this, you can either raise it as a topic in Speakers' Corner, or contact Support directly.
    mr_plaku™ likes this.
  3. So admin you mean to say doing that spearhead clock is allowed ? isnt it not really a jpb and become a catch the rat fight? :p cause its obvious people will use that always and will have no fight trying to win by running is the worst winning way. i think if clocking is not allowed there so should be spearhead clock
  4. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    ŦНΞ●ÜŁŦĪΜΛŦΞ●ĐΞVĪŁ - I am only commenting on the use of the Spearhead ability itself. The issue of warping in additional ships is a separate argument (however that feature is also permitted for JPA events).
  5. GG. spearhead warping wins... well this is dumb, no point in practising to become a better fighter anymore..
    and btw when i fought HBK in the finals he didnt do none of that spearhead crap. He fought with goli and deserves to win :) (american jpa)
    Kelvin933 likes this.
  6. I agree 100%, if its not allowed why can it be activated, this should be disabled if it against T&C
  7. -Rakeem-

    -Rakeem- Community Team Team Darkorbit

    Hi everyone,

    I hope you’ll be happy to hear that we are looking to change the warp-ins during JPA. While it was originally intended to make the fights more diverse and interesting we have found that in reality ship warp-ins were often used to stall matches or introduce other tactics that were in no way beneficial to the gameplay.

    This is a change that can be implemented rather quickly but we are also continuing to look into other aspects of the JPA that we are not 100% happy with.

    Okapi32 likes this.
  8. GolDAce

    GolDAce User

    what is about the jpa sunday? i have lost agains a spearhead/citadel warper. what now?
    will it be rerun again? it must be like last sunday!!!
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The last re-run was done because of connection issues, 15% of players didn't get in who had signed up and were waiting for it. It wasn't because of the warping tactic.

    I feel for you, I've lost to a few Citadel runners before, unfortunately you just have to accept that an extremely cheap tactic was used against you. It sucks but hopefully it does get changed as Rakeem is hinting.
  10. GolDAce

    GolDAce User

    u dont need to feel sorry for me. i have won last month, but this sucks. i just played just 4 fun this time, cuz i have only 70 € and i had 2 spearhead/citadels as enemys. the first one was really bad, but i had no chance against the second one. he was trained in his tactic.

    but this really sucks!
  11. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    I am closing, as the issue has been addressed. Further discussion can take place in a more appropriate section.

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