JPA On Hold - Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Ddraig, Jul 27, 2015.

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  1. how many have spent 10 k to make 10 k................................
    yellowsubmarine likes this.
  2. Mace~Windu

    Mace~Windu User

    My idea would be:

    Add a new shop, with the "JPA" money, everyone can buy custumazions with this money. Maybe change the currency and harder to find it in the bonus boxes. Most people got this JPA money and wont even use it.
  3. It's been a long time now and no JPA. What gives.
    I just got ufe right before they got rid of it.
    And they said "on hold", which meant it wasn't permanent.
  4. JPA will never come back as it was. And we will never have the chance again to receive real money.
  5. Are you saying AFTER you win JP, or just for having that amount of JP on you, cause if so... That's a terrible idea lol.
  6. Whenever there is money involved, there are bound to be cheaters.
  7. I'm sure he means after, haha.
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