"JPA will resume when bugs are fixed".

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [-КАТЮША-], Mar 29, 2015.

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  1. GG I'm 2 rounds in and I couldn't change hotkeys.

    SCΛTTΛ User

    I couldn't attack in second round my enemy reloaded first and i did later and he started killing me first...
    Nice BUGS!
  3. Many thanks, tried refreshing and I cant even load in. Well done BigPoint, really well done. Inb4 sorry about the problems in jpa we have given everyone 1 log disk as compensation.
  4. `Luke

    `Luke User

    Sigh, another re-do? lol
  5. Nah it seems like they don't like paying out 10k euros
    relax likes this.
  7. pecanin

    pecanin User

    Always same crap

    cheer up [-КАТЮША-] at least you got one kill ,i lost to fe guy :)

    made his day
  8. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    Thank you for bring this to our attention. As have noticed your posts, have passed this on. As this will take some time to be looked into, please be patient.

  9. Also had this problem. No matter what I did manual or hotkey push I couldnt use anything except change configs.
  10. Buna

    Buna User

    cant even get in the game sence the jpa started. establishing conecction for ever damn it help i got some gates to do
  11. When go in JPA map..all hotkeys cant press.. -.-. this is 2nd time...we are wasting alot ammo for playing...please fix all these bugs
  12. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    I am sorry to hear that you experienced difficulties when you entered the JPA. As Shifterai states above, the issue has been passed forward to be investigated further. Unfortunately at this moment there is nothing else we can do regarding this, however should there be any update i will make sure to post here.

  13. Ddraig, I feel bad for you bro(or gal or it), this is beyond ridiculous, having to to apologize for someone else's epic failures....:rolleyes:

    Rick Dekard!?..... Off with his head! (figuratively of course)

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you all for bring this to our attention. Was previously mentioned, this has been passed on and when there is more information to share with you, Ddraig will be happy to post here to keep you updated.

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?
    We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    Have a nice day!