June - Twitch

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jun 21, 2017.

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  1. I don't know, if it's the right section. But here is the summary of the stream (key points), although it's kinda late:

    Server merge
    • takes time
    • have plans what servers are merged
    • from 60 to 20 servers
    • no better information
    • avoid merging servers across the world
    • needs long (maybe 5 to 6 months), because try to make everything works smoothly
    Seprom exploit
    • first ban wave, remove also Credits
    • complicated, equipping Seprom to lasers, that’s hard to get the figures, luckily they have smart people, that can view the numbers
    • there will be big announcement (removed stuffs, banned players)
    downloadable client
    • not until server merge
    • still in the plans, but there are not work for this
    scrap in shop
    • players really want it
    • can’t confirm it, don’t know
    buying posters (in real life)
    • want to give them away as prices
    • "on-going battle", never stop
    • bots are annoying, affects game play, hard to stop
    • big step against bots coming soon, which will happened in the next months
    lag, server issues
    • changes on biggest servers (global Europe, global America) last weekend [stream was on the 28th of June], performance increase, less complains now
    • they are working on connection issues
    • cause of the problem between strong and low players
    • quests should catch multiple players
    • trying to make level 6 and level 12 quests during every event with e.g. new LF4 and more of that
    [random stuff]
    • bring structure
    • more PvP and PvE areas for level up
    • don’t unbalance things
    • we should give questions to the moderators and ideas in the forum, because the moderators will give them to the design team for next Twitch stream
    • more bug fixes
    Chinese server
    • no, but there will be a Japanese server
    “missions that are cancelled”
    • important issue
    • more about that in an announcement
    new LF4
    • no changes for the new LF4 (even no upgrades for them)
    • focussing on other stuffs e.g. server merge instead
    more time between events
    • they need the time for improve events
    • clan battle station are going to be “tougher”, its HP are increased by 50%
    • mechanics:
      • 3 hills in each battle map
      • after capturing nobody else can capture it for 2 minutes
      • get points from battle station
      • =>dominate the map!
    • some changes
    • 7 new, “very epic”, big, permanent quests
      • e.g. killing a lot of players
    • no set day, but it maybe begins in July
    • Domination should be more attractive and be harder to defeat =>exciting
    Next “War bond” event (perhaps I mishear?)
    • event after Domination
    • introduce somebody new
    random stuff
    • they can’t spoil new stuffs
    • introduce new quests, because according to statistics we love quests
    • events for low level players, e.g. they need to long for Vortex of Terror
    • more events, which allow new players to get cool stuff
    next anniversary
    • don’t know [no spoiler]
    • but still looking for the future
    JPA jackpot in bonus boxes
    • design team will talking about it
    lagging hangars
    • dependant on your amount of ships compared to equipment, every time use a piece over and over, there are recalculations for all ships again
    • complicate to fix, but they are working
    increase 2D performance
    • no, they want to increase overall performance
    PvP dependant on the rank:
    • on the plan
    • more fairness
    • (other?) huge changes maybe after server merges and performance issues
    changes for pilot sheet?
    • not right now, because not many people use it
    • changes would make maybe only 5 people happy
    • now you only get something you needed and then you are not using it ever again
    Disassemble feature?
    • they must check the impact on the game economy
    • it isn’t prioritized, server merges first
    Increase Seprom production in the Skylab?
    • [big] NO
    • big changes
    • working on it
    • after server merge
    • perhaps cool titles with cool names
    Moving equipment more simply
    • they agree, it will gonna happened
    • after server merge
    Server merges in 2017
    • perhaps
    • they believe that
    log disks other resources and better drop rate for scrap
    • perhaps after server merge
    • after long checking
    PvE maps
    • perhaps are considered after server merge
    Getting ammo easier?
    • Some people have too much ammo
    Level 16 drones can’t be destroyed?
    • They don’t know, perhaps surveys for us would help
    Any information about scrap yard?
    • Scrap yard= recycling not-used equipment or sell it back, upgrade stuff like crafting
    • some people have too much stuff
    • but no idea, how it will gonna look
    Balances for Tartarus and Spectre?
    • they will rebalance it
    New chat system
    • very close
    • releasing soon
    • before server merge
    Vortex of Terror too difficult?
    • This gate should be a high challenge
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
    BraveHeart´[G] and Deter like this.
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