Just noticed something

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by ►☢☣oldironsides10☣☢◄, Oct 4, 2023.

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Is all of our ID's wrong?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. I got bored of this game to a point where I decided to see who the oldest players were.
    Then I just realized something after 9 months of research.
    All of our ID's are wrong.

    ID's starting at 10M through 10,999,999 are missing (No records found), we just see 20M (Starting from 2008.)
    It continues normally until 2014 where it went from 104,433,009 (Last known OG ID found so far.), then it suddenly jumped all the way to 160M. in 2014 (ID's after that all the way to 159,999,999 are non-existent)

    Today we're nearly at 173M
    What happened?
  2. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    maybe because of the switching to their own server and all the mergers
  3. That's not possible, an ID is produced normally unless if a staff member adds a new numerical or if millions of accounts were lost and needed to be replaced.
  4. test020

    test020 User

    it is possible because databases.
    also some banned accounts were removed, one friend of mine that was dumb enough to use programs said that his account don't exist anymore instead of showing login error due to ban.
  5. Well lowest still existing account I have found is in 69000, account made in 7.12.2006. Also I have screenshot of an account which had userID 22 But that doesnt exist anymore.