Kamikaze not working also crash in Gamma.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Vengeance, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Vengeance

    Vengeance User

    I just started my Gamma gate a few day's ago, I used my Kamikaze on my pet and It didn't work when I try to go through the NPC's it crashes and it's an instant pop. Through the Gamma waves my pet was blocked to use modes and I couldn't use the certain modes. I'm on my last waves on prots and because my Kami isn't working it keeps acting like its on guard on mode and then the game keeps crashing.

    Username: .-.Vengeance.-.
    In-Game Name: ™†•ιcє-VΣŊĠΣĄŊCΣ•†™
    ID: 100382466
  2. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello Vengeance

    The first step would be to make sure that you have cleared your Browser and FlashPlayer caches recently. If this is still an issue, please post back with your server and what type of Browser you are using, and we can investigate further.

    General Issues >> Technical Issues