Kappa Gate reward

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by The_Singularity, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. Hi,
    Simple Idea.

    ( quick overview, read highlights - please read fully before posting reply. I am open to both positive and negative comments - however, if you are against it, please be as thoughtful in your post as I have been in mine. In other words, make your negative comments constructive criticism rather than just a troll )

    There are three different potential rewards from the Kappa gate. Two of these rewards are able to be used or not at your discretion, they are, the LF4 and the Hercules Drone Design. The third reward, the 5 hour Multi-Booster is automatically loaded and starts being used.

    My proposal is quite simple. The booster is given as an item to inventory that can be loaded when desired. This could be in the form of a voucher code or a CPU style item that activates when loaded but does not take up a CPU slot on the ship, and is removed from inventory as soon as it activates. Then, as with any other booster, it would run through its time cycle ( i.e 5 hours ) as normal.

    The booster could not be stacked any more than it is now. So you could not save up and then activate 2 or 3 multi-boosters at the same time to get 5 hours of double or triple boost. They could be activated to run consecutively as per any other booster.

    In the interest of fairness so that the boosters can not be accumulated to excess and then activated to give a player say, 6 days (29 boosters ) of booster time, there could be a limit of 3 items in inventory. If a player with 3 Multi-boosters in inventory completes a Kappa and as a reward wins another Multi-booster then the reward becomes void and the player receives no reward. This should also be shown to the player via the Gate Reward list shown when you complete the gate, so as to encourage the use of the Multi-booster.

    This would then allow us to use the booster as and when we wanted and be similar to buying ( uri or auction ) and using other boosters as and when we want. It would also make it like the other rewards from Kappa, that is, being a true reward, not just a multi booster that you may not particularly want at that time.

    For example. A player with not much time during the week to play, usually collects palladium of an evening for 1 to 2 hours. On the weekend when time is more abundant for playing, the player does NPC's, protects the CBS during Deflector down time, goes PvPing, and does gates. On a Sunday afternoon, the player does a Kappa and receives a Multi-Booster as reward. This multi-booster is of no value to the player during the coming week as it will be consumed just by the time spent collecting palladium. If received as a self elected consumable item then it would be a beneficial reward to the player that could be used during the following weekend, not just wasted away collecting palladium.

    Thanks for your constructive thoughts.

    The Singularity
    burkey and -AdamantiumDragon- like this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Quite a bit of typing for a simple idea but sure why not and there are 4 rewards from the Kappa, the Lf4 and Herc and Multi booster and nothing lol.
  3. This is awesome and absolutely needed idea!

    I have nothing more to add.
  4. veritas

    veritas User

    I just did Kappa recently, and my thoughts were the same - but do I have to use it now? (I didn't end up getting the booster (or LF4/design for that matter) so it was a moot point :cool:)

    I agree.
  5. =MR-T=

    =MR-T= User

    well i do not agree on this idea, sorry to say but i think might be overused from ufe players . they might make a series of kappas until they have 3 or for of those and they will be unstoppable , where as simple players like me and many others even if we have the advantage of choosing the time might not do as much damage as the ufe are.
    So basically the chances of an Ufe having multi boosters will increase drastically and so will the damage. But if we leave it as it is they don't have enough time to use it as they wished they would so its just more random and we won't be seeing super damage from ufe al the time.

    Its a No from me

    On the other hand i would like this to be implemented on normal boosters since they always have all boosters on and excessive uridium ,might be better for players which are not ufe to manage the uri and credits in a better way
  6. Multi-booster from kappa gate is just another idea dreamed up for 1 purpose, for uber f.e doing jackpot battle. And the reason it won't be changed is because those same uber f.e will have to spend more uridium doing kappa's to have it.
  7. veritas

    veritas User

    Wholly agree on that.
  8. burkey

    burkey User

    Agree with this, thought didn't enjoy the long read :)