Killing a single player over and over

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by ZabusXant, May 11, 2024.

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  1. ZabusXant

    ZabusXant User

    I am aware that this is regarded as pushing and is punishable as it should be.

    However, I had a situation where I defended my clan's CBS against a single Citadel+ that was just diving mid base and aiming for the main hull module, ignoring the laser turrets around it. I checked my logbook and I see that I have 8 kills on it.

    Is there a boundary to this or if I don't manage to defend my CBS with X amount of kills on a single player, I should just let them have it just to avoid being punished for pushing?
    .-señor_dark11-. and SkyHero-42 like this.