Kuiper Galaxy Gate FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by Solid_Eye, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit


    In general, this GG works like the any other of the regular GGs. It needs to be built with extra energy and/or Uridium and is composed out of 100 parts.

    The Kuiper Gate introduces 6 new Streuner NPC types and a guard turret:
    * Soldier Streuner

    * Specialist Streuner

    * Emperor Streuner

    * Rocketeer Streuner

    * Seeker Rocket (Rocketeer Streuner minion, does not give any rewards but tries to blow you up in kamikaze style)

    * Streuner Guard Turret (cannot move but attacks the player in range)

    You have to fight through 5 maps. While the first 2 maps will spawn NPCs in 3 waves, the 3rd spawns NPCs in 6 waves, the 4th in 12 waves, and 5th map spawn NPCs in 9 waves each with the last map also featuring Emperor NPCs.

    Map: 1
    20 x StreuneR (1)
    5 x StreuneR + 1 x Streuner Rocketeer (2-3)

    Map: 2

    10 x UberStreuneR + 10 x + x 1 Saimon Boss Streuner Rocketeer (4-6)
    2 x Streuner Soldier (7)
    10 x Streuner Soldier + 15 x Saimon (8-9)

    Map: 3

    5 x Streuner Soldier +1 x Streuner Specialist (10-11)
    10 x Streuner Soldier + 4 x Sibelon + 1 x Boss Streuner Rocketeer (12-14)
    10 x Streuner Soldier + 2 x Streuner Specialist (15-16)
    10 hStreuner Soldier + 2 x + x 1 Specialist Streuner Streuner Rocketeer (17-19)

    Map: 4

    4 x Streuner Turret + 2 x + x 1 Soldier Streuner Streuner Specialist + 2 x Streuner Rocketeer (20-27)
    2 x UberSibelon + 10 x + 8 x Saimon Boss Streuner Soldier + x 3 + x 2 Specialist Streuner Streuner Rocketeer (28-37)
    10 x Streuner Soldier + 2 x Streuner Specialist (38-39)

    Map: 5

    1 x Streuner Rocketeer + 2 x + 6 x Streuner Rocketeer Rocketeer Streuner (40-42)
    1 x Emperor Streuner + x 5 + 1 x Soldier Streuner Streuner Specialist + 2 x UberSibelon + 2 x Streuner Rocketeer + x 10 + x 2 Soldier Streuner Streuner Specialist + x 10 + x 2 Soldier Streuner Streuner Specialist + 2 x + 10 x Rocketeer Streuner Streuner Soldier + 1 x Streun ER Specialist + 1 Streuner Turret (43-54) Here the waves do not appear immediately, and with small intervals, approximately 2-3. Streuner Turret appears when Emperor Streuner little strength.
    The numbers in ( ) are the waves inside the map.


    * 15,000 Uridium
    * 150,000 Honor
    * 2,000,000 XP
    * 5 Booty Keys
    * Chance to get one of the following ship designs:
    o Aegis Elite
    o Citadel Elite
    o Spearhead Elite
    o Goliath Venom
    o Vengeance Pusat​

    I see dead streuners
    Finish the Streuner Gate


    Thanks for the assistance on this thread goes to OwningPeeps for great Images.​

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    Last edited by moderator: Aug 29, 2021
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