Kuiper Gate - Changes to Bonus Boxes and Gate End Reward

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Solid_Eye, Nov 20, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello everyone,

    As RickDekard and KrisKelvin have mentioned in their official posts (http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/kuiper-gate-changes.111992/ ) and ( http://www.bigpoint.com/darkorbit/board/threads/designers-note-on-kuiper-gate.111996/) we have discovered that there were some issues with the Bonus Boxes and the Kuiper gate rewards.

    We have now released a fix for this.
    · The basic amount of EE dropping from Bonus boxes has been reduced from 25 to 5. So factoring in all the bonuses, the EE dropping is lower than before. This should make it a little bit harder to get the gate for box farmers.
    · There was a bug that people who had all designs would always get the “fallback reward” of 200,000 Uridium. This bug has been fixed. Players should only get the fallback reward if the random reward would have been a design.​

    The standard gate rewards will not be touched and remain as they are!

    We keep monitoring the situation over the weekend and will make further adjustments if the need arises.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
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