Kuiper gate feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. My issue was due to my pet having over 5k or so HP, I had repped him previously and he still had over the 5k or so.

    How much you spend does appear to have an effect on various loot drops ime Hades~Pôšëîdõn‡Tríp if you dont spend you seem to get a much reduced chance of high value loot from the various chance elements in game.
  2. Well after spending $1000 on the game and not getting the advantages I should have I will not spend on anything again. I bought for the LF-4, Zeus, and Ultra Booty Days and failed to get anything that mattered with the purchase of these SPECIAL EVENT KEYS, I seem to collect more FE stuff than the ELITE UFE gear.
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