LAG- In-Game (May 09, 2016) Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ASTRAEA, May 9, 2016.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We are right now investigating the game lag issues many users have reported.

    If you have an issue with in-game lag, could you please post the following Information:

    Ship Name:
    User ID:
    Map Location:
    Description of the circumstances under which the lags happen.

    This data is very valuable and will help us to investigate the issue more effectively.

    Thank you and Have a Nice day!


    Update 2
    Last edited by moderator: May 11, 2016
  2. apetown.

    apetown. User

    User ID: 163548304
    Server: Scandinavia 2
    Map Location: everywhere
    Description: game works normal until i start shoot something, then *massive* lag hits. and it gets even worse when flash mem usage exceeds 300mb

    another bug: everytime when relog ship returns to normal drone formation.....
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
  3. ßaвycaⱪɛs™

    The lag only starts once you start shooting anything but god its awful,I usually rock a 40 fps while shooting npcs.. dropped on 2 fps on a lk.. same on all maps, cant play at all with it like that

    Oh and keeps putting me back to standard formation on relog, super annoying
    Vegas™ likes this.
  4. Josh0238

    Josh0238 User

    Ship Name: Bad Karma
    User ID: 99075306
    Server: USA West Coast
    Map Location: All maps
    im sorry to say it but we should just stick to the assembly part and drop the rest my I7 6700k and my 980 cant keep up with the update and the data exceeds 700 mb by just launching the game
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  5. User ID: 90116617
    Server: GB2
    Map Location: All maps
    Description: Can fly around like normal on normal FPS, as soon as I or my pet shoots something, I freeze. Not too bad with pet, but if I shoot, complete freeze until I finish the NPC (Has happened with every BK I have killed). Clearing cache worked for me for about 4 minutes, then it went back to normal. Using 2D mode helps some people. This coupled with the backpage problems GB2 is having (Has got to the point where we are surprised when it is up, not down) has made GB2 pretty much unplayable, as to clear cache every few minutes, which I would be fine with doing, would require us to be able to log back in to the front page, which we can't. Not sure what is being done about the backpage issue on GB2, some CMs have said that no other servers are having backpage problems so it seems to just be GB2 as far as I know. As for the frontpage lag, this seems to be across all servers.

    Please can we get a fix, I do want to play this game just coming back from a long break, but these problems are giving me my doubts.
  6. Lєϻαітѓє
    USA West Coast
    Alpha Gate: Kristallon Waves

    Started to lag at the beginning of the waves when they were just spawning in. Would hitch everytime i fired a shot, would freeze in time with the lasers. I had 2 left to kill then it completely froze. The audio continued and I heard myself die but nothing as happening when I clicked around. I set all my settings to lowest possible, cleared cache and restarted the game but still I hitch and freeze. Lost 2 gate lives so won't be doing gates for 2 weeks if this is how long it will last which sucks.
  7. Kirito13RO

    Kirito13RO User

    Ship Name:Haruko
    User ID:165671884
    Server:Global Europe 7
    Map Location:1-4 , 1-3 ( all maps)
    Description of the circumstances under which the lags happen. : when i kill npc , i have lag !
  8. Ship Name: რìşś☆ɱάεℓѕτяσʍ
    User ID: 52123077
    Server: GB1
    Map Location: All maps
    Description: Everything is fine until I shoot something, then the game stutters a lot and occasionally freezes. Watching other people shoot stuff is fine.
  9. Same as all of the above.....Hope you guys fix it soon. :(
  10. pilot name: •$HΛÐΘẄ•ÐΞMØÑ•
    User ID: 166933378
    Server: Europe(west) Global Europe
    Map Location: everywhere
    Description: when i star shoot screen freeze and i listen only laser sounds,it come back to normal when i kill or die ...
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  11. Megapixer

    Megapixer User

    Ship Name: «☠B̢̧̀͢u̧̕͟͠r͢҉͏̢ℌ☠»
    User ID: 92838496 Server: GE
    Map Location: all maps
    When killing npc's, larger group on npcs coming to screen (hiting me) then freez. Runs fine til i hit or npc hit me when i try to fly around
  12. User ID: 62537924
    Server: Scandinavia 2
    Map Location: Everywhere
    The game starts freezing when shooting NPC's. It is not that bad right after opening the game, but it gets worse over time.
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  13. 97088315
    All maps

    Description: I seem to be getting the lag when i start shooting the NPCs WITH the new ore drops, whenever i'm shooting an npc that doesn't drop an ore it seems fine. It's whenever these npcs have the drops.
  14. UID: 99115933
    Server: Global Europe 1 (int1)
    Map Location: All Maps
    Description: Since the new update flying around has been a bit laggier than before the update (it's playable). However, as soon as i get into a fight (being shot counts aswell, no matter if it's players or the npc's) I get HUGE FPS lag. It's probably going down to 1/2 fps and its unplayable.
  15. Ship Name:ΞšοτħεřιкΛ♥
    User ID:161867969
    Server:USA 2 East Coast (us3)

    Map Location: All Maps
    DESCRIPTION: Flying isnt so bad, but as soon as i start shooting anything, NPC or enemy, i laaaag pretty baaaad.
    thank you for your attention.
    WiccaDio and IRON-THRONE like this.
  17. UID: 30575163
    Server: USA East 1
    Map Location: All Maps
    Description: It' s very jumpy. Every time you move on the screen it gets very jumpy, like the bandwidth keeps cutting in and out. It is in every map and in everything you do. It is in everything you do, shooting anything, flying.
  18. Ship Name:FOR★MY★TEAM
    User ID:24582507
    Server: Usa WEST
    Map Location:Every Map
    Description: game works normal until i start shoot something, then *massive* lag hits. and it gets even worse

    another bug: everytime when relog ship returns to normal drone formation.....
  19. Doar_eu

    Doar_eu User

    User ID: 73043485
    Server: Global Europe 7
    Map Location: Everywhere
    Description: Game is perfect until i shoot something.The first minutes of the log in when i shoot something the fps goes from 60 to 0 for 1 or 2 seconds, after some time in game and shoot something again, then the lag stays more than 7-10 seconds.

    another bug: everytime when relog ship returns to normal drone formation.....
  20. Horizan

    Horizan User

    User ID: 91649205
    Server: GB1
    Map Location: All
    Description: Lagging to the point where I cannot move for 5mins or so, please sort it fast or I will be looking for an alternate game
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