LAG- In-Game (May 09, 2016) Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ASTRAEA, May 9, 2016.

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  1. after i whrite first time lags stop freeze the screen but steel i hava a lot of lags if i play 1 min normal next 3 i see only pictures
  2. Mersh96

    Mersh96 User

    Ship Name: •——›МΣ®Şђ‹——•
    User ID: 74759893
    Server: USA East 3
    Map Location: Everywhere
    Description: game works absolutely fine. things can even shoot me, but the second I start shooting anything or when I try to collect a box MASSIVE MASSIVE LAG
  3. same issue, games fine til u shoot something and massive lag

    USA east 3
  4. Ship Name:ƁƐ۲ỻ00721
    User ID:163701640
    Server:Brazil 2
    Map Location: eevrywhere
    Description of the circumstances under which the lags happen: When I start attack an NPC, my FPS will be decreased enormously (minium: 1) and the ship animation won't be synchronous with the laser animation.
  5. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ User

    i have not been able to play since new update due to lag issue i use a gameing pc but this is to much lag for me to handle . gb1 joker user id :101429899
  6. Blasphemer

    Blasphemer User

    Ship Name:RONALD-W
    User ID:37193415
    Server: USA East 1 server
    map location: every map......FPS was 61 yesterday, today is 35 fps
    start shooting any npc, I can hear lasers but can only see damage every few seconds, screen freezing......etc...
    Can not play anymore with this lag
  7. pet not collecting scrap cargo or new ore, waste of time again , bucket loads of lag, back page still screwed up, how much more do u think us the customers can take?
  8. I think it is safe to say we need to look at where the links of communication or data flow comes together. I could be wrong but with so many servers having the same issue on such a scale, the problem can not be across all ISP at the same time; at least I would hope...:oops:
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  9. Ship Name: INSOMNIAC™(eVo)
    User ID: 67190845
    Server: GB2
    Map Location: Everywhere
    Description: you can fly your ship and jump ports perfectly fine but asoon as you shoot anything it just insane lag to the point your screen freezes (doing GG's is defo not recomended unless your daft like me).

    and the back page is also just crashing and has been for the past 5 days for every1​
  10. REAPER02

    REAPER02 User

    Ship Name:R€ẴΡER♥GǾD♥Ǿƒ♥Đ€ĄŦĦ
    User ID:87766208
    Server:USA 2 (East Coast)
    Map Location: All maps
    the game is even more laggy now since the update and now every time i lunch an attack i lagg and get 1 fps plz fix this asap because the game is unplayable like this now i cant evan move when i lunch an attack and the lagg now sucks
    victorious4JC™ likes this.
  11. WarIsLife

    WarIsLife User

    Ship Name Comando♥
    User ID 88878065
    Server Usa West Coast (us2)
    Map Location: All maps
    i was shoting NPC's and my FPS went to 5 min/12 max only when i shoot NPC's
  12. Donald0517

    Donald0517 User

    i have an eightcore amd processor with 8gb of ram and a 2gb graphics card i usually get 61 fps solid in game since the assembly came out my fps is going all the way down to 1 and i am even getting destroyed by boss devos in 2-3 because i lagged out i was even popped by another player and could not even fight back because i was frozen please fix this asap ty

    usa east 1
  13. Ship Name:{[(ΔmΔR)]}
    User ID:85055539
    Map Location:everywhere
    Description of the circumstances under which the lags happen.When i fly around it is ok but when i start to shoot lagg start :/
  14. i would like to suggest that dark orbit at least make it so players get no drone damage during the start of new events where dark orbit is aware of lag issues due to new (sometime not improved ) game issues . this would at least help new and lower end players where game freezes that end in death. Yes i know it isn't much but at least something is better then nothing :). thanks for your time chief dagger west coast / mosh pit global america
  15. [​IMG] 165944120
  16. Ship Name:HannibalCallya
    User ID:160145575
    Server:USA east 3
    Map Location:All map
    Description: game works normal until i start shoot something, then alot of lag and i died many times from aliens i cannot move my ship
  17. lag every where boxing is bad too
  18. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    every map as soon as lasers fire,,,:confused::confused: I ask that time be suspended om premium and rebate packages until l this is sorted out .:(:(
    Last edited: May 9, 2016
    -hydro1-(yce) and Seismic-Trash like this.
  19. USA east coast, ALL OF THE ABOVE..............................
    -oversoulpaul- likes this.
  20. Ship Name: ───┼──┼KUILS─┼──┼───
    User ID:80419948
    Server:int8(global america4)
    Map Location: all maps ( 5-3 works fine)
    Everything is fine until I shoot something, then the game stutters a lot and occasionally freezes. Watching other people shoot stuff is fine.
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