Lag report - Feedback requested

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Hypnotik, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. Hypnotik

    Hypnotik User

    Hello Everyone,

    We have been passing along the feedback for lag/server performance to Support, and they would like to hear from you if you have experienced less then optimal game performance in the hopes the info you provide will help them improve this aspect of the game. Please use the format below to submit your info to the best of your ability, only post the relevant information requested, and refrain from any flaming of other players/clans. Let's keep this helpful and nice please :).

    *** ***
    One post only per player here regarding this specific issue

    1) UserID / Server
    2) The exact description of what is happening, please keep this within reason and on topic.
    3) What type of computer do you have? (Operating system, CPU details, graphics card)
    4) What kind of connection are you using? (mobile / GSM / UMTS / LTE, are you on a Wifi in your home, are you connected by cable, what type of DSL do you have etc…)
    5) Misc Info ex: Are you in a big city or rural area, are you connecting to a server close to you or further away, what time of the day/night do you notice the most problems, and what events cause the most issues.
    6) What time(s) are you experiencing the lag? Server time if possible would be greatly appreciated

    Best Regards

    Last edited by moderator: Jan 17, 2015
    Razz-Ma-Tazz likes this.
  2. 1) 23973580, scandinavia 1 (int3).
    2) Frame drops at cubicon/crazy cubi. I have about 60 fps constantly except at those 2 things. Then it drops to 10-20.
    3) Windows 8.1, AMD FX 6300 3.5GHZ overclocked to 4.3GHZ, Zotac Geforce GTX 780.
    4) Fiber network 30/30 on wifi.
    5) Here you go, some pings:

    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=55ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=58ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52
    Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=52

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 10, Received = 10, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 50ms, Maximum = 58ms, Average = 51ms
  3. 161976463 us3 (usa2 east)
    Backpage lag like hell, get frozen sometimes, can't access to game at all. auction broken.
    Windows 10/windows 8/ windows 7 (i have em all, on none of these pc's darkorbit works well) Intel core i5 / Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
    I use vodafone wifi routher atm.
    I live in city. Darkorbit lagging feaw last days including today. + i bought 10k uri just to get 2 days of 50% exp booster to do as much quests as i can. but i was able to play not more than half day, even a lot less than half day. So i would like to get my 50% exp booster refounded for 2 more days.
  4. Omega

    Omega User

    1 50984264 eg4
    2can;t play at all lags like hell and you know it happens on every server stop trying to sugar coat it and fix it
    3 [​IMG]
    4 connected by cable
    three tests .at different times of the day
    5 in a urban area ( big city ) the server is close to me , the problems are happening all the damn time , everything in the game . everything
  5. 1) 86239055 / Global Europe 7
    2) Crazy FPS drops in the last 2 days. I don't do anything special than others. Hunting NPC on maps around, and in one moment game freezes (like I am not able to see where I shoot, or do I really shoot on something, even I can't lock anything. It's like you see NPC in front of you, but you can't lock it as it seems is not there), after 5 sec comes back to itself but i see massive drop on FPS, or massive rise.
    3) [​IMG]
    4) WiFi network
    5) I live in a city, I am not sure how close is the server to me. Anyways, this problems that all have faced happen in the last 2 -3 days. Before that everything was ok as it should be.

    Pinging the server where I play:
  6. ☜†ɅḈW∞ЯƎĐẐ†☞
    ID: 76212662

    So the problems that I am having are these re-occurring lag spikes that happen between the times of 6pm - 12pm Server time everyday and cannot be avoided. The times before and after 6 and 12 pm are totally fine, and the game runs superb. During these times the game is unplayable BUT the chat works 100% fine as shown here in this video of mine.

    Here is some internet connection information:

    Also some comupter specs [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
    Waspkiller98 and DeJaVu like this.
  7. DeJaVu

    DeJaVu User

    ID: 64549102

    I'm not to tech savvy so all that I can say is when I'm flying through the maps and I "attempt" to click the cloaker, each click is one lag spike after another. I have resorted to playing this game with just the basics and I have to say that it ruins the game in soo many ways. This is something new that must have came with a recent update or something. I have NEVER had a issue clicking enemy cloakers until recently. I am quite surprised that unlike most Bigpoint games, Darkorbit doesn't come as a downloadable version. Would solve SOOOOO much of these issues.. or so I'm told. It does make sense am I right or wrong?
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  8. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hi all,

    Update: We've added another information request & that is what time you all might be encountering the lag.
    If you have already posted, we would ask if you could please just edit your previous post with that info.

    & Thank you all again for your help & patience with all this :)
  9. .LabRat.

    .LabRat. User

    1. ID 52383445 on US West
    2. First off just logging into the game can take for ever, took me 20 minutes last night. Once I get into the back page it can partial load itself at times or not load at all when switching pages. Loading onto the game page some times it does not connect or again takes for ever. The in game lag is random freezing at times. You can watch the mini map as you fly around and the npcs freeze on it as you continue to fly around. Also the npcs will appear out of no where around you at times. You try to collect a box and it takes 3 to 5 seconds for it too happen. When the lag is really bad I cant add rocks to the ships shields and speed gens. I will click on the star system map and all the maps have Red X's on them. Click on the NYX and it is blank with out any quests for you to do. Same happens when you click on the Contacts just comes up Blank. Can't jump portals with out freezing. But CHAT works fine, but nothing else does which is very odd. Also when you try to log off the game you cant. It counts down to log out then nothing happens you have to click the log off button again then it will ask you to reconnect to the game or log off . Click the log off then and it will log you off.
    3. 2008 Mac Pro, Processor 2 x 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, Memory 16 GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM,
    Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB, Software OS X 10.9.5, Using current Opera, Chrome and Firefox browsers, all are laggy.
    4. AT and T DSL, connected by cable. Not wireless.
    5. In a big city, At and T server is not far from my house.
    6. Seems to be all the time now. But is worse in the afternoons and evenings.
  10. 1) 38889043 on USA East 1
    2) My (ms) is fine, it's at 1 when i did a ping test on my command prompt while having the game screen on. But when I shoot something it would go but then everything around me freezes up, I can still move and use chat but everything around me is just frozen.
    3) Operating System: Windows 8.1 64-bit (6.3, Build 9600)
    (4) I'm connected by cable. I'm using Verizon (If it matters) the router is like right next to the keyboard.
    5) I'm in NYC urban area, When I'm in school and I log on there's no lag at all, and when I get home around 5 PM there's the lag again. I personally don't think it's the game I think it's my computer.
    6) Before this situation I had some lag after 7:30 PM East time. I'd have to do my hunting earlier than that, now I can't do anything at all, on Weekends morning mid day evening, and night I have the same situation. Freezing up non-stop, back page is fine just game.
    -I hope with that I can get some help D; Thank you sop much, I've done a lot with my ship to get it where it is, and I wish to continuously enjoy it :)
  11. DeJaVu

    DeJaVu User

    US East 3 (US4)

    I am still having the lagging issue when I click around the map whether its for npcs or cloaked enemies, my screen keeps freezing. Frame rate drops. The clicking around the map and the screen freezing up is something totally new. I have never experience lag like this especially clicking around the map or clicking cloaked enemies.
    I have a wired connection and the modem is only 6 feet from where the computer sits. The computer screen that I play on now is actually 5 inches bigger than my previous screen. I normally don't have backgrounds and most of the options are set to low but only "ships" is set to high.. normally.. now a days even the bonus boxes are shut off and that sucks because when I click for the bonus boxes the screen freezes every time I click the screen. So imagine clicking for cloakers especially in Bmaps. Again I say even with a 4 GB RAM, the game runs smoothly just without backgrounds and everything is fine. I don't have the $$$ to get a fancier computer that can run Darkorbit with EVERYTHING on. Being content with the game where it was was the norm but now forget it. Also CRAZY Cubikons is a awesome idea but...... the LAG thou.. is crazy. Once my mini map shows ALL the prots when the cube is worked on for about 2 minutes.. That I think needs to be looked into. If it turns out that my computer is lacking in any shape or form for the way I play this awesome game then please tell me and I will find another game that will run with what I got.

    P.S: Why does Darkorbit or Bigpoint still run this game off of Flash? why not Unity or becoming a Downloadable version?
  12. Omega

    Omega User

    first ,yo 4 gb of ram and 1.4 ghz is kinda low for this game ,and it also depends on the server , where you play ,what your ping is on that server etc ,plus DO is having DDOS attacks atm from what I heard . it will not be downloadable until they can make sure there will be no way to create cheats for it , since if u make it downloadable it will be easy to make cheats for . and also . ram is pretty cheap ,and a processor is not that expensive .. cuz that's really low ,since I'm guessing , just playing this game on low graphics stresses the processor to over 80% or more
    DeJaVu likes this.
  13. .Elion.

    .Elion. User

    I'm experiencing terrible lag in game for last 4-5 days , at one point everything worked well then suddenly my fps dropped to 2-12. I can't lock on target aliens are jumping around like crazy. Cleaning cache and all standard steps to improve game performance failed. please fix it .
    USA East 2
    Laptop , Win 8.1 , i7 processor max over 3GHz , 12GB RAM , SSD drive , integrated HD card Big City area , internet on fiber 50/25. on wifi.
    Problems all the time ​

    1 6 ms 3 ms 1 ms openrg.home
    2 9 ms 12 ms 9 ms
    3 9 ms 12 ms 8 ms
    4 13 ms 14 ms 15 ms []
    5 13 ms 12 ms 12 ms []
    6 15 ms 22 ms 13 ms
    7 * * * Request timed out.
    8 16 ms 35 ms 15 ms [154.54.47
    9 22 ms 22 ms 20 ms [154.54.40
    10 23 ms 21 ms 22 ms [154.54.5.
    11 19 ms 21 ms 21 ms
    12 63 ms 21 ms 250 ms []
    13 139 ms 20 ms 20 ms
    ping test
    Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=55
    Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=55
    Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=55
    Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=55
    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 20ms, Maximum = 28ms, Average = 23ms
  14. pants2136

    pants2136 User

    I cant even do anything. When i log on, my drones and my tool bar are missing. After flying around for a while, all the npc froze and i cant pick up any resources. I cleared out the cookies and cache and reloaded the page, nothing is changing. All the problems are still there. This happened to me multiple time. Fix it!
  15. hello
    im from GE1
    yesterday and today no chanse play game,in lower maps you cant find ANY player,is imposible to move,in upers wee move with BIG lags.
    can anyone reset server? wee all got in screen mega happy hour finished for 1 min
  16. This lag Is hella crazy in East 3 its ridicoulous But ehh I hope it goes away again I cant even hunt..
  17. I would bet my last dollar that if they remove the super stupid influence signs that bring absolutely nothing to the game the lag will go away. The exact same thing happened last time they put those useless moronic signs on the maps. Whoever came up with the stupid idea to put those signs on the maps should be unemployed. Take the signs off you chowderheads. Half of the players in my TS are having the same problem and DO claims it is only isolated people.
  18. 1) 85568197/ Global America 1
    2) All the day I can play without problem, in the evening ( german time ) I get laggs from 20 second and I die.
    After that I cant even log in.
    This is the 3th day in a line that happend.
    After 4 hours it works almost fine again. - that suck.
    3) 8 Gb Ram, brand new grapich card with 2 Gb ( enough for DarkOrbit and Bf4 ;) )
    4) I'm using a normal W-LAN stick ( I hope this is right in English ^^ )
    But by the way, my connection have nothing to do with that, cuz my Ping in Teamspeak always show 35...
    5) Living in a LITTLE village, but I repeat, my connection isnt important, I can play all other games with our problems.
    6) Ago 2 days it was 15 p.m. the laggs took like 4 hours, than the game was playable again...
    Today since 12 p.m. I still can log in, but its just [removed] laggy...

    I play this games like 7 years not, I maked all that stuff, about cleaning my browserhistory and all that so pls dont tell me to do anything with my pc... it is the game.

    Maybe important.
    I'm from S-L, we are almost only german people on Global America 1 and we have almost ALL the same problem in this time...
    We cant play.
    We play there for a couple of years so I didnt think it have anything to do with that lagg.
    I know the difference between the American server and germany is very big... but we never had this problems before...

    That starts with the Influence.

    Sorry if my english isnt perfect, but I'm from germany :p
    Btw, anyone else have the same probs ?
    Regards Jan
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 1, 2015
  19. ID 67070731
    USA EAST 3
    Date 2/2/2015
    Time 3:13 P.M.
    Lag is totally messed up right now. I try to lock an alien and it takes 5 to 10 seconds to wait for the lock to show up. And firing at the alien is taking up to 10 seconds for each laser fire to happen. After alien is Destroyed I have to wait another 5 to 20 seconds for the cargo to show up. Also when trying to fir on aliens it say no lasers. I reset my ship configurations again. I made sure browser was cleared before every time I play the game. This Lag has been showing up over the past week now and seems to be getting worse. I was in LOW gate and screen froze up FPS went from 60 to nothing for 15 minutes on 1-31-2015. And when trying to do a galaxy gate I lost the gate / I went into the gate and next thing I know I am killed by the aliens in it. My ship froze up and I thought I was running across the map next thing I know I am at base with game saying I was destroyed by the aliens I was fighting. I do not mind losing 1 ship in galaxy gates because usually I have 2 more to play with. But this lag and what ever happened I lost my other 2 ships I should have had and lost my gate so now I am back to gathering and building that same gate again. This does not seem right I lose all 3 chances at the galaxy gate when the gate only got 1 ship in the galaxy gate. Please if you could see what is causing the lag to become so bad at times.
    Sincerely , Michael UNHAPPY about losing the galaxy gate Epsilon. I can make a new gate in time but please fix the galaxy gate lag that caused me to lose all 3 lives when I only lost one life in it and it took my gate from me.
  20. [​IMG] 44127976
    USA West Server
    The west server lags bad at login takes a few minutes for the page to completely load after it loads try to fly across a map with your pet the pet stays 10 seconds later the pet catches up with you. Gates are the same start shooting npc's lag hits try to fly away by the time it catches up to you your almost dead so cant due that either. This has been happening for a couple of weeks have a 50% ep booster for 5 days but it will run out today without the gate i have open being done or the quest I have wanting to finish with it NOT being done due to this issue.
    I logged into USA East 2 a little lag but nothing like the West server I can play there not the account I want to play but at least its a little fun.
    From the post's above looks like you all have problems hopefully you can fix them with out loosing to many customers.
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