Lag report - Feedback requested

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Hypnotik, Oct 24, 2014.

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  1. Usa(West) Server
    Large Lag spikes through out the day from about 12pm server time till 11pm when I get off.
    NPC's and players pets etc freeze nothing moves but I am capable of moving around; these freezing sessions last from between 10 seconds up to 5 minutes and usually occur again approx 30-45 seconds between one another.

    I am capable of playing USA (East 3) with no lag or Freezing what so ever (live in Arizona) yet I cannot play my own server (west) without freezing.

    Adobe Flash: Version
    Up to Date
    Shockwave Flash:
    Browser : FireFox 35.01

    CPU Status:
    Quad core 3.8 Ghz
    RAM 16GB
    Graphics EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980
    Internet Speed 38-45 Mbps; Ping 8ms

    Hope the issue is resolved soon I refused to Pay this MHH but I would certainly like to do so next MHH :confused:

    UPDATE: Late night early morning Monday the freezing episodes subsided as well as Tuesday these episodes of freezing stopped; today 2/22/15 Freezing episodes were in place again all day and continue as of this moment.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2015
    *STAR*SABER* likes this.
  2. IamTheDOM

    IamTheDOM User

    OK I am posting my issues with lag, it has been going on for about 3 weeks now. Here is my info as requested by the moderators:
    USA West
    Windows 7
    Intel(R) Core (TM) 2 Quad CPU
    Q9400 @ 266 GHz 2.67 GHz
    Graphics Card 185 MB Intel 64 Family 6 Model 23
    DSL is my internet
    I live in the city
    The lag time is occuring all the time, during the gate, while attacking aliens, or other players.

    I truly enjoy playing the game but I don't see how I can continue with this lag going on all the time.
  3. User ID: 162443153
    Server: USA East 3
    bad lag and unable to establish connection to game between 11 am and 9 pm USA eastern standard time. I usually run between 45-60 FPS with Memory between 245-680 and still get bad lag. I have cleared browsing cache many time on Google chrome and Firefox.
    The type of computer I use is a Gateway GT5482E with Windows Vista with a 32-bit operating system, Adobe flash player 11,
    I'm on a home Wifi through 2 Netgear routers other then that i don't know what type. Our service is AT&T though.
    Location wise I'm in a City area not a bit city though.
    On how far the connection is from computer and house, the routers r with-in 2-5 feet of all computers in home; closest home service connection is less than 5 miles away.
    Most of the problems are between 11 am and 5 pm USA East 3 Server time.
  4. Pretty sure it is something to do with updates...The game is being re developed and tested during live play time.
  5. user ID 21311498
    usa east 1

    I have DSL 15 meg internet
    I live 50ish miles south of Memphis (small town)
    Windows 7 64 bit
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz, 3301 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
    I have had problems playing during prime time for at least 3 months.
    I haven't been able to play hardly at all in the last week.

    User since:07-08-2008

    Tired of trying anymore, tired of support and mods blaming the lag on me when the refactoring of the servers this coming week proves its been darkorbit the whole time.

    I don't lag on any other games or website I visit.
    I have heard its darkorbits anti botting programs are whats lagging everyone, and that the refactoring will fix this.

    If you can't or won't fix usa east 1 I will leave the game, but really at this point darkorbit has already done that for me.
  6. ID 43041695/USWest
    The ships stoppped firing near me as I moved back and one though.
    I have a HP Pavilion Slimline 400-214 Desktop PC
    Using At&T 1.5 speed DSL
    I live a a major major city
    Shortly after the HITACs event came on I was in the GG...ships weren't - I don't know (moving) - I just got shotdown...25.02.2015 - 13:21 You have been destroyed by a Barracuda alien ship.
  7. IamTheDOM

    IamTheDOM User

    WOW! Not a single reponse from Dark Orbit! since my post 3 weeks ago. Nice response time people, way to show you care.
  8. No need to spam this thread, though. It is not for feedback from DO, it is about our feedback, so they can improve the game. Read the first post carefully next time.

    Delete this two posts, please mods.
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