Laser Damage Calculator

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by GΛLΛCTUS_R3BΘRN, Dec 31, 2013.

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  1. I Know some people are always wondering how much damage your lf3's will do if they were a certain level or had a certain booster/rock, well this is a chart from the old forum that I think everyone will appreciate. sry don't know who posted originally.

    Sporkk likes this.
  2. Some more information which is pretty helpful HERE.
    Sporkk likes this.
  3. Rosenbauer

    Rosenbauer User


    I know a page that is a simulator for all you equipment this page tell us how much shield and damage we have... i dont know if i publish it in the forum but if some moderator autoriced me i publish

    Good Hunt!
  4. GnAn2

    GnAn2 User

    I followed that chart - Does not work very well for me : 1/7 or 1/4 If i am lucky. I am back to 100% again.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you all very much for your input on this thread, as it is always nice to see players helping each other.

    Have a lovely day
  6. Yeah, the chart is a bit hard to understand, but if you go to the second to last post on the page its a little bit letter(in my opinion) to understand.
  7. GnAn2

    GnAn2 User

    Thanks - I did not have a look at that. Will try that and see how it goes. :)

    I just looked at 2nd Last chart - I dont understand it - Can some 1 help me on it?

    At what percentage would i have to upgrade?
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 11, 2014
  8. If you look at second to last post, it compares a certain amount of laser cannons/shield generations (at level 16) and gives the total of what they are, so
    "159 per lf3 at level 16
    31 lf3= 4929 without iris level at 16

    11,500 per Bo2 at level 16
    16 Bo2 = 184,000 without iris level at 16"
    basically means if you have one level 16 LF3, you are going to do max* damage of 159 (*without boosters, sep, prom, or anything to "boost" the results). And if you have 31 LF3's equipped all at level 16, you are going to do over 4929 damage.
    Same thing applys to the BO2s, just different numbers.
  9. GnAn2

    GnAn2 User

    Thanks for responding.
    - I understood that bit but its not teling me at what percentage is there going to be more chance of upgrading it and costing less uri - Rather than doing 100% for everything.
  10. There is no exact way on telling whether or not a certain percentage is going to upgrade it or not. 100% for the upgrades is pretty much the best way to go. You can try a lower percentage, however even if the upgrade were to be at 95%, there is still the possible 5% chance of not achieving the upgrade. Again, if I was you, I would just stick to 100%, its not worth loosing 5k uri on a 95% upgrade.
  11. Might be useful, added to my personal archive, thanks.