Leo Designs.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Feb 23, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    Ok, two it is.
  2. I know no one else liked the Law one, but I did, with my ONE adjustment... That the double damage boost ONLY works with X1 ammo...a TRUE noob helper ship. and no UFE would care about double damage X1 ( except for gates maybe) so the game would stay balanced, just help noobs BKing in their leos...

    I thought other people would like this suggestion? Maybe they saw X2 damage and stopped reading lolz... but seriously...this would help noobs A LOT ...and wouldn't hurt anyone else at all....
    -HarleyD- likes this.
  3. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    That is a good idea.

    VESPID User

    That does sound like a good idea Pie, if you choose to release that idea I will back it.
  5. Your idea, I just figured I'd give it a kick the rest of the way ;)
  6. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    It must have took both feet.
    Sorry Ves I couldn't resist.

    VESPID User

    Gee thanx bro.
    I'll return the Law with those changes.
    The new thread is:

    The designs I am proposing is such that offers the following assistance to the Leonov Ship OUTSIDE the X-1 thru the X-3 maps:

    The Law: Gains a 2% shield boost for each speed generator and a x2 boost to laser damage only for LCB ammo outside the lower home maps.

    The Defiant: The ship gains x3 hp's as long as the drones hold generators only.

    The Wisp: The ships weapons gain a .5% boost for each shield generator it uses and a 2% evasive maneuvers boost for each speed generator.

    The suggested price would be 100k Uri.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
    -HarleyD- likes this.
  8. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Very cool, I still like that wisp design.
  9. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Hey Dreadlok, Just as a matter of interest, do you and Vespid know each other in the real world?
    Omega likes this.
  10. Omega

    Omega User

    hah lol .. that;s what I said multiple times. they both have some stupid noobish ideas
    sry to say it....
    in fact .. not really
  11. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Yes, we are neighbors.
  12. I thought it was funny too. But Vespid has had some pretty good ideas.
  13. Omega

    Omega User

    true some.. like 5% but most were rubbish ..
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    The designs I am proposing is such that offers the following assistance to the Leonov Ship OUTSIDE the X-1 thru the X-3 maps:

    The Law: Gains a 2% shield boost for each speed generator and a x2 boost to laser damage only for LCB ammo outside the lower home maps.

    The Defiant: The ship gains x3 hp's as long as the drones hold generators only.

    The Wisp: The ships weapons gain a .5% boost for each shield generator it uses and a 2% evasive maneuvers boost for each speed generator.

    The suggested price would be 100k Uri.
  15. Omega

    Omega User

  16. vespid not to be rude man but, it would be better to stop making this related ideas, all the ideas have been about ship designs, im not saying they are bad, but we should more like concentrate on that DO makes sure they reduce lag, I say we should all protest like last time, because the maps still laggy and crappy as always... we need to make them know that we need them to fix lag not just add more lag and more problems.....
  17. I agree completely, but if adding ship designs reduces lag (it wont) then I am also with the idea of adding a few designs (don't add a lot please)

    We are happy as DO continue to reduce hackers, cheaters, bots, and lag. Please no further updates. :c <3 spearhead
  18. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Ok I was curious as you post in such a way as to imply that you know each other well. Sorry for asking :)
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Let me get this straight, the only problem with these ideas is the notion that D.O. has to solve the lag problems???
    I ask because one thing really should have nothing to do with the other......
    Tell ya what, why don't me just focus on this idea and perhaps when the game is perfectly worked out they may entertain this idea instead of the possible problems that may happen.
    In other words, let's stick to the topic at hand.
  20. This is definitely one of your better ideas Vespid, I love the wisp design and pie in the sky's double x1 design.
    If it was up to you, would it be available in trade or just in the shop? Just curious
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