Leonov for big maps

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by »ØPŦ‡MU§_K‡ŁŁ_§[23]«, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. StandardBig home maps
    Hit points120.000160.000
    ship with weak hp and slower than goliath but make more dmg
    good for shoot npc on big home maps
    double dmg for lasers in ship and from rocket on home big maps
    same rules like with leonov on small map but this rules will be on big home maps

    you will spend less ammo for same uridium because you save 10 ammo per shoot

    price: 100.000 uridium

    what you think good or bad idea ?
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  2. No. This wont work. Lenov is unique only in lowers and also 10 Lasers! That would basically mean 20 Lasers + 20 Lasers from 10 drones, this could make the ship really OP and will be used to cube and bash cubes. Lenov is only supposed for lowers and if it goes in uppers etc it just wont be right :L
  3. If the Leonov is ever going to be implemented to fit in the upper maps.. the stats of the ship should stay near the same, (if not exactly) with a possible slight HP increase..
  4. +1 This will make it even because there shouldn't be an advantage for the one in uppers.
  5. You're kidding right??

    The leo's home field advantage was designed to help noobs in lowers, not pro's in uppers. It's over powered as is and already taken advantage of in the lowers.

    So, simply put NO
  6. ANgry.mN

    ANgry.mN User

    its Bad idea. But 10 laser slot small map leo is nice idea :p
  7. yeh this wouldn't work the fact ive seen ufes fly about in one on my server in lowers killing goil ufes is ridiculous and then in uppers it would be horrible people would just use the leo
    no from me
    [PΛЯΛĐOX]™ likes this.
  8. per hour come only 36 in map isn't important how much fast you kill it and trust me i need wait for a cubikon when shoot it alone with sab x3

    also if you shoot all npc in x-7 map with x2 and little sab, ship with full lf4, 20% dmg booster, enforcer, bat formation, alien hunter and seprom on laser can easy make 20k uridium per hour and npc you will always can found in map so 8 ships can all time shoot npc there and get around 15k uridium each of them per hour, that is impossible if 8 players shoot cubikon they get only 5k uridium per hour

    here in game almost impossible is get that much uridium how much you can spend, trust me i feel i on my skin

    I'm not a kid who come on this forum cry, i speak from my experience, i have a lot of times spent on this game and i know about what i speak, i have 33mlrd ep and 460m honor

    when come 1 ultra elite ship on group of noobs on cubikon this ship will kill them so so easy, i see every day how on my small server global europe 5, 8 ships with flax shoot on cubikon, this ship will help to them to make faster uridium, will give to them more power against HUNTER WHO COME KILL THEM

    only this is reson why i give this idea about "elite leonov", more power on HOME big maps for making faster uridium and easily protect yourself and your friends against ultra elite ship

    VESPID User

    I like the idea but why not just keep it the same with the ability to retain it's bonuses in the upper maps.

    I also agree with the price but I'm sure D.O. will add to it considering the raw power this ship wields.