Leonov rank point increase

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Watt-Overlord, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. Leonovs are worth 4 rank points!!!
    liberators are worth 8???
    Your telling me i waste tons of ammo to pop a ufe leo and i could've got double if i poped a newbie???
    So my idea is simple: Raise the rank points given out by leos to 10.
  2. Smart. Never understood why leos gave such small amounts of ep, honor, and rank points considering they can be as hard as a vengi to kill.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    They gave small amounts of EXP, honor and RP because the ship was supposed to be a noob ship and the rewards discourage players from continuously popping Leo's. Unfortunately with new updates Ufe's could fly Leo's and slaughter enemies in lowers which I don't think is a bad thing, I suppose the rewards could be changed but any noob that flys a Leo would be slaughtered more then they are now, although most noobs go straight to a Goli anyways so why not, change the rewards lol.
  4. The thing with leos is that they have more of everything than the liberator, so why give less when killed? They definitely should give at least more than a lib, and perhaps more than a piranha too, but less than the bigboy.
    Lucidity likes this.
  5. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    10 is a bit high, they need to revamp the rank points for every ship again.
    With regards to the leo, i'd estimate at least 7 or 8. and liberators rank should go down.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I think it should pretty much be just under the vengeance in terms of rankpoints.

    In the lowers a UFE leonov is harder to kill then an UFE veng but then obviously this advantage is only limited to lowers.
  7. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Huh i am going with no has the rankpoint system is now.

    There was a post on here that i thought i commented on but can't find in via my profile.

    But it was something like a point system the more and higher level eqiupment someone has the higher the points would be.

    And vice verse the less equipment the less points they have. So anyone within say 15 points of them would get good honor/ep and anyone higher then them would get lower honor/ep and anyone lower then them would get better honor/ep.

    If they changed the system to a point system then yes i would like it.
  8. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I really don't understand what you're saying or how it relates to the leo's reward rank.

    As it is atm, the leo is a decent ship and the rank points for leo kills are only 4. whereas the liberator is at 8. Leo's are more difficult to destroy in lower maps and for this reason I think the rank points awarded for destroying one should increase to at least 7 or 8, and the liberators drop from 8 to 5 or 4.

    Even better is if they revamp the rank awards for ship kills as it is messed up atm.
    E.g we get 1 point for phoenix kills, but we lose 2 points for phoenix kills... Okaay what the heck just happened.
  9. Yeah. The popping pnuts and losing rank doesn't make sense. The system sure could use a bit of tweaking.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You don't lose rankpoints for killing a phoenix.

    You get +3 points for killing any ship. Then -2 for killing the phoenix so that leaves you with +1 point every time you kill a phoenix.
  11. Look at ranking in game. You get 1 point for killing a phoenix and lose 2 for killing it. It doesn't make sense.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You are not taking into consideration the "Player shot points x3", so that 1 is then multiplied by 3. After that you then lose 2, so overall you gain 1 point per phoenix kill.
  13. Ah. My bad.
  14. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    my bad too, but still think it needs revamping.
  15. dont they hit harder than golis make leos worth 25 rankpoins not 10
  16. No, a leonov does not hit harder than a goliath. With the double damage on ship, it in effect has 12 lasers in lowers.(Do you play the game? Or just get all your info from hear-say?) Twenty-five rankpoints is ridiculous for a leonov. I agree with Seraphim. Eight rankpoints for a leo sounds right.
  17. what about the drones
  18. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Guys bear in mind the leos dont have the advantage in upper maps. For this reason i said 7-8
    If they did have advantage i would have said 16-18 (but they dont :) )
    They also have fewer laser slots than the goliath and doing some sums can prove that the goliath is more efficient. plus higher speed for maneuverability et cetera.
  19. What about them?? They are not doubled like the stuff on the ship is.
    Do some people on firum play the game? Or read descriptions?? I wonder sometimes.