LF-4 Enhancement Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Deter, Feb 22, 2017.

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  1. apetown.

    apetown. User

    @STARLIGHTHUSTLE I guess you did not understand that the 212+5 is the base value, and then lvl16 regular lf4 base value is 212. After this you start to add bonuses. Only thing that I'm not sure from is, does the +5 extra dmg unit also be counted with boosts or does it come only to top of damage with no booster affection.
  2. Hi All,

    Thank you for the chart. It was very informing. I run at max everything I can. I've level up, fly a bonus ship, and use x1,2,3 and some x4 laser ammo when fighting. If I encounter a player, I change over to better equipment and ammo. All that I do, I still get killed by PVP.

  3. he said the ENH HP does not increase HP to ship when installed on PET . but , does it increase the PET's HP?

    OK . I went back and reviewed the damage chart and I see what you mean. So I guess the next question is , have you used up all your Pilot points and are now able to spend 400 log disks a piece for the new lasers. I have maybe 45/50 of mine and am not yet willing to spend them on lasers. I can see where sacrificing a non upgraded LF4 might have some allure , If you have all the other resources to spend. Considering I'll probably need 10's of thousands to get my last 5 pilot points.( I haven't done the math because I do not know how much each next pilot point will cost me. Need to see if there is some kind of chart for THAT in DO bible.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 16, 2018
  4. apetown.

    apetown. User

    @STARLIGHTHUSTLE yes i have 50/50 pilot bio, with extra 30k spare logfiles. Also im already in that point that i really don't need any more new lf4s, I have collected in 1 year with daily+weekly mission and playing events full of them. Its up to you do you want to get last 5 points before lf4s, consider that if you build 1 lf4 per month with missions its only 400 logdisk, and that equals 4 zetas (example) to get +-0 in lgf. Taking to note this, you should be easily able to still stack logfiles even if you craft lf4s at the same time.
  5. Building ENH LF4's will automatically take the lowest level LF4 you have . If you only have LVL 16 LF4's then it will use that with the same result.
  6. apetown.

    apetown. User

    Also note that crafting uses only lasers that are not equipped to any ship
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