Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †VΛMPĪЯΣ†, Dec 3, 2014.

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  1. Your obviously insane. Let me give you feedback on why your suggestions on this thread are pure evil and quite awful. Wasting 25k uridium on an LF4 that you couldn't upgrade would be beyond foolish, you'd still have to replace it by doing gates or picking up loads of booty boxes, you'd be better off investing that uridium into said gates or booty boxes. Making it 2 million credits is insane just because, 20k uridium though you never specified if it could or could not be upgraded, still terrible.

    VESPID User

    Then I'll go with upgradable.....lol.
  3. Then no.

    VESPID User

    lol.....I knew you were gonna say that.
  5. it take 100k to build gates....so i say no
  6. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Building gates is cool for those that want to, I'd rather just buy from shop.

    VESPID User

    Me too, I can't stand boxing for hours on end cloaked and from what I hear palla fields just end up taking all your good ammo and damaging your drones.
  8. I'd rather have them donated to me but that isn't happening :(.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 25, 2014
  9. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    I'm holdin out for the box with 30 of them now that i got keys.
  10. Azenomei

    Azenomei User

    I think 2mil is good if you want to take the short way. A zeus drone is 1.5mil. And if they where 20k uri everyone would have them within a week.
  11. Please stick to the subject lf4 , not others .
  12. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    So let everyone have them in a week, 20k uri is a good price.
    VESPID and †VΛMPĪЯΣ† like this.
  13. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Yes, I would suggest that they be placed in shop soon.
  14. Azenomei

    Azenomei User

    Everyone is doing just that buddy, did ya have a nice boozy christmas?
    LF-4 should be 2Mil uri. Or maybe it should be buildable in the tech-lab. For 2000 logdisks and 9k seprom.
  15. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    Or they should be in shop for 20k uri
    †VΛMPĪЯΣ† likes this.
  16. 2 mill uri or 20k for LF-4 is ridiculous. To make it a better for everyone they should be in shop for 100 to 125k uri. I think it would
    give the game a boost. People who are unlucky with booties and gates can just buy them with uri. I can imagine more people
    getting premium and rebate pkgs. Also grinders will come back to the maps. Everybody wins:D
  17. VESPID

    VESPID User

    No just the ones that have or can come up with 100k to 125k uri.
    Only the same few win that have them now with that notion, everyone wins with an Lf-4 price tag of 20k uri and everyone knows it.
  18. bro , is so much 100k :eek:
  19. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    100k uri is way too much for a laser as a shop item.
  20. Just price the LF-4($)s for the same uri price as doing the GG :eek: Hahaha, but you don't get the benefits of doing the GG :mad: So, it is three times the price :p
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