List of things not to do

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by GunStar_The_Legend, May 6, 2015.

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  1. 1. Do not cloak with you're special ability running, we can see you

    2. Do not change configs or bring out you're pet while cloaked, we can see you do that to

    3. Do not sit at the rock in the middle of the map afk,

    4. Do not log out in the middle of a CBS, chances are you gonna insta pop when you log back on due to mines

    5. Do not ask for credits as soon as you get in a clan, everyone in clan rolls there eyes and doesn't like you

    6. Do not fly in straight lines from one portal to another especially in a pvp map.

    7. Do not sit afk in 5-3 the whole time in the same spot, move you're ship around to safe spots

    8. Do not buy an account [buying, sharing, selling, trading or gifting accounts violates the Terms & Conditions and you may find the account permanently banned]

    9. Do not sit in one spot cloaked in pvp map with you're pet on auto looter. Someone will track you're pet back to you and pop you

    10. Do not attack a battle ray while it has insta shields you're not gonna kill!! it till you pop the interceptors first! same goes for CBS shooting it while insta is up is pointless. everyday i see someone doing one or the other till they pop lol.

    please fell free to add to the list
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 31, 2016
  2. Dont Jump On Other Peoples Cubes. You May Get Popped.
    deman and memrix like this.
  3. The correct definition: Avoid servers where a player/clan will shoot you for shooting a shared NPC reward, and proceed to war / KoS you afterwards due to server player size
  4. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Do participate in Event that require you to buy a ridiculous amount of overpriced Elite ammo.
  5. lampas

    lampas User

    Do not!!
    deman and Type-0Z like this.
  6. Bakjam

    Bakjam User


    Anyway: do not troll UFE's with spearhead or even with goliath / aegis if your FE, they hit huge combo's and even near port, you will be dead before ready to jump, if you really want to annoy them, get citadel and use draw-fire when they almost have a kill :p
    Thunderheat likes this.
  7. jackknife

    jackknife User

    don't buy a golii first, but a leo from the auction. then slowly build up enough lf3s and speed gens bo2 than buy a vengi then buy a goli
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
    deman and Tarron like this.
  8. stefaniopa

    stefaniopa User

    don't attack afk UFE's because there is a chance to they get back to game an pop you :p
  9. A CHANCE, LOL, it is usually they check log and see who popped them and put you on KOS and search for you until you quit game, or they tire of the easy kill.
    Unless you BUY it fully equipped from Uridium page, but you still need to know how to fight with it or you just waste Uridium repairing it.

    Don't buy more than 4 flax drones, save credits to buy Iris from AUCTION (buy first 2 Iris's with Uridium collected from quests/boxes/kills) remembering to bid on IRIS you cannot have more than 7 (unless Apis or Zeus are built allowing 10 drones total).
    deman likes this.
  10. Clack321

    Clack321 User

    8... can't have more than 8 IRIS
  11. Anirhey

    Anirhey User

    dont continue the battle againts NPC when your health is critical, noob or weaker ships will hide on swarms of NPC and will tackle you if they got a chance.
    deman likes this.
  12. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Do not buy an account period, it is against the GT&C's and is classified as account sharing and will get you a perma ban.
    deman and OrbitGuru like this.
  13. Do Not beg people for help for cubes or shoot them cause they will get mad and probably pop you or war your clan
    deman likes this.
  14. i played this game 7 years and here is my list..
    1 do not shoot peoples cubes they will kill you because they are selfish<cubes are shared in my opinion>
    2 do not cheat or bot because [Terms & Conditions]
    3 do not buy uri this game is dying and if we stop spending they may listen to what we want<server merges>or they may just pull the plug
    4 do not sit port center , sitting center of port means pvp players cant lock an nme as soon as they jump in the map so annoying
    5 do not buy an account or cheat [because Terms & Conditions]
    6 do not keep adding a person to outfit if they dont accept the 1st time they wont accept the 2nd time
    7 do not go in global chat and ask to join a clan for credits you will be ignored
    8 do not cloak in bmps <4x maps> you will be mistaken for a botter and killed
    9 do not hunt noobs in lowers if your ufe and then complain there is no one on the game to kill
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 31, 2016
    1. Do not try to complete the normal quests, if you think that they are worth. They aren't.
    2. Do not participating at Hitac, if you are under-FE. You will be popped as a little Ufe snack.
    3. Do not use the special Booty key/ Logfiles payment offer. You only offer free money to Bigpoint. Besides MHH is still better.
    4. Do not AVOID boxing in battle maps, you will earn much more Uri than earning with shooting NPCs. You can hide in the botter group.
    5. Don't waste your EMP/Insta shields for escaping if you have hundreds of repair credits. You will need it in events. Especially if your hunter is a Tartarus.
    6. Do not buy Uri items until their prices are decreased by 30% (and not 20, 25, 15...).
    7. Do not trying anything, if some Ufes hunt on your map. Make a pause (1hour). They will be bored.
    8. Do not click an enemy, if you run away. They will see you at the mini map.
    9. Do not buying the skill designs with Uri. They are bad.
    10. Do not buy the Extras like HST launcher, automatic repaier/ammo buyer, slot extender with Uri...The auction would be a better place for getting the items.
    11. Do not buy (in auction) very many LF3, if you collect booty chests. You will receive enough of this"Elite Items" during Helix.
    12. Do not walk into an HP damage mines during Hitac. It will kill you.
    13. Do not download Dark Orbit hacks, which "work 100%". Except you want some viruses. Do not even think about it.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2016
    deman likes this.