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Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pip.., Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. They were on the game already. Its only effecting new log ons rather than existing ones.
  2. ramnik

    ramnik User

    yh the people in invasion are the ones who probs been on for hours lmao and aint relogged, i relog and i cant get back on lmao
  3. Xeba is online she says people getting on but I still can't

    And ghost clan base is down :p
  4. ramnik

    ramnik User

    Tell Xeba to pop HA base!!! :p RR come GB2 loads people here but if a mod is seeing this, come on gb2!!
  5. -RatpacK-

    -RatpacK- User

    and as usual DO say nothing well done noobs
  6. same thing is happening here, no reply from support, my whole clan cannot get online. Bugpoint you take the proverbial! What about the events, base primetime etc!? WE EXPECT COMPO!
  7. -oOCoNOo-

    -oOCoNOo- User

    Get this sorted soon as, not a good start after a 3-4 month break from the game lol
  8. I'm claiming compo if I am forced to go... OUTSIDE! :O
  9. same issue for christ sake...
  10. Nah GGG your just banned ;-)
  11. Start a RIOT!
  12. <b/> I Predict A Riot... I Predict A Riot! <b/>

  13. You know whats really funny...

    They only put some 0.5mm sized sheep graphics instead of Drones, and it broke the server.
    Seraphim likes this.
  14. That shows how advanced Darkorbit is lol
  15. Sheep of death
  16. When they tell us to clear our cache etc...

    Has anyone ever thought of clearing the server's cache? :p
  17. More like darkorbit fell asleep counting all the sheeps they need to add to the ships 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 zzzZzZZZzzZZZzz THEN the people cause havoc and riots outside the HQ
  18. I wish it was just an April Fool's joke...
  19. If it was everyone would be asking for compensations!
  20. So whats the odds of getting on the game , some people have got the connection back but im still in limbo
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