Loading.. But no START button.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by pip.., Apr 1, 2014.

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  1. Wonders if I get a days prem back :rolleyes:.
    skywolker72 likes this.
  2. No one has it back yet, only people that were still on the game!
  3. Harley-D just closed a thread in the last 2 minutes, obviously they can see this problem on the forums. Whens something gonna be done?
  4. Kitsune

    Kitsune User

    We are aware of the issue and it has been forwarded to support to be looked into, I know its very inconvenient with the events taking place and trying to complete the quests before the deadline but I can only ask for your patience.

    .-Ninjakid82-. likes this.
  5. any chance of compensation for what i could of earned in the invasion gate since i couldnt get on
  6. AVIT

    AVIT User

    like to screw you all lol ,,,APRILS FOOLS
  7. u turned my drones in to fat cats and now i cant play the game i pay to play.. top april fool ty
  8. yeah but they know i would of come in the top 10 of invasion cause i been looking forward to to a good uri build so think they need to compensate the people who are loyal to the game for their mistakes
    »неяо« likes this.
  9. Keep dreaming my friend they will just call this April Fools and end it.
    bigkn1ghtstu likes this.
  10. you are probably right hero but still wrong how they do it
  11. Lets begin a Text version of DarkOrbit.

    I'll start.

    *Jumps into 3-6*
    Satcom5 likes this.
  12. Dude everything thing they do is wrong lol
  13. jumps in after lagi and pops him lmao
  14. Pops lagi 5 times and reported for pushing pff
  15. *Rage quit*
  16. Meets lagi in real life BOOM head shot walks away like nothing happened
  17. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    I am sorry. I can understand your frustration at the game not loading. I play on GB1 as well and so cannot play either. I cannot give you any answers and neither can any member of the admin/mod team. We are volunteers and this will need to be dealt with by members of the team in Germany. Until they let us know what is happening we are as much in the dark as you. Being nasty and insulting us will not change that and will only get people banned.

    I am closing this to try and stop the insults and the spamming. Please watch the official announcements as if we get any information it will be posted there,

    Scarlet_P™ likes this.
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