Log in is working, when i press start I cant play

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by jeneviemus, Sep 23, 2023.

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  1. jeneviemus

    jeneviemus User

    This happened very recently. I was opening green booty for hopefully last parts for my apis and when I tried to jump to another map the game bugged and logged me off. I thought that after some time it'll be back and running, but I've been waiting for like 2 hours now, tried restarting my PC, reinstalling Darkorbit but nothing worked. Everytime it says this: "You're no longer connected to the DarkOrbit game server. Do you wish to reconnect?" I got scared that I may be banned, but I have no clue why since I'm playing only once in a while with friends (I have about 200 hours played), I've never been botting or done anything wrong that I'm aware of. Please if anybody has the same problem or knows why is it happening to explain what's wrong.
  2. since yesterday 11 am i cannot open start page all week so :( .DO have so many problem whit the connection.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    Same here been not able to get into game page starting yesterday. This makes day 2.
    =Vinz_Hunter001= likes this.
  4. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    yea keeps say server disconnected. and then ask do i wish to reconnect
    =Vinz_Hunter001= likes this.
  5. I managed to Start my game by removing my "Title". Apparently, the Titles are bugged right now from what I've noticed. Just go to Pilot Sheet then Achievements. Under Achievements there's this "Title" list where you can set your Title. Just change your title to "No Title" then save. This worked for me.
    test020 likes this.