Logging in problem for game page

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Samstryker, Nov 14, 2014.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    I am successfully logged in to my server [int8.darkorbit.com]. but i am unable to log into the game client from 4.15 pm of 13th Nov 2014 in server time. My game client page completely loaded but when i click start, connection information box opens and shows establishing connection and keep on doing establishing connection. I tried this for more than three hours in 3 browsers , but no change. It is too boring because of not playing game, Please Admin take necessary action.
    My details are below:
    User ID- 162499820
    Server- int8.darkorbit.com
    My location- INDIA
    OS- Windows 8 Pro built 9200, 32 bit
    Browsers i tried to play game- Safari, Chrome 38.0.2125.111 & Firefox 33.0.3
    My Ping test details here
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2014
    ICΣ~CΘLD~ƘILLΔ and Ren like this.
  2. Dangerous

    Dangerous User

    same issues since sunday just before mega on east 3 same problem continuing today. sun, mon, tues, wens, thurs, no fix arggh !
  3. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    I hope the admins will fix this problem ASAP. since past one hour, space ball event is started but ZERO scores, lot and lots of loses for active players like me. admin please take a note of this. we are waiting to play game...
  4. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Samstryker, Have you tried clearing your flash player cache? Please click >Here< for a step-by-step.
    Please let us know if you are still experiencing the issue.

    Best regards,
  5. Ren

    Ren User

    yup same here can log in but cant play :rolleyes::p
  6. krekein

    krekein User

    Same for me on int10.darkorbit.com
  7. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    brother, when i see that issue i tried most of the methods, including flash player cache clearance, and i even downloaded latest flash player from adobe. still not working.
  8. Why the cookie cutter response? The game is broken on BP's end of it. Us clearing flash and cache is not going to solve it.
  9. Ren

    Ren User

    yup still not working at all :cool::confused::p
  10. .-Raijin-.

    .-Raijin-. User

    Samstryker, We are looking into the issues. Please be patient as we work to resolve the issue.

    Best regards,
  11. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    have you got any improvements in solving the issue???
    waiting for your reply admins......
  12. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    hello admins you got any improvents in fixing the game???:rolleyes:o_O
  13. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    periodical server restart at 5.30am fixed the game for me. now i logged into the game client. thanks admins.:);):cool::D:rolleyes:
  14. Omega

    Omega User

    u can log in ,but the game still lags like hell
  15. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    the game works just fine to me. which server you are on?
  16. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    the game works just fine to me. which server you are on?
  17. I have a back page problem too sometimes it says "This webpage is not available"
  18. Samstryker

    Samstryker User

    i am playing in this server [int8.darkorbit.com] now i got no problems.
  19. I'm using Chrome and on int12 (Global America 3)

    I have tried using my brother laptop and it doesn't work so clearly something is wrong with Darkorbit and not my laptop/internet
  20. Omega

    Omega User

    eg4 .maybe it doesn't mare on more populated servers .. idk but some servers are still down . and lucky u lol
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