Login Bonus Nov 23 - Nov 30

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Oddessey, Nov 22, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Starting tomorrow (23/11) we will be running a login bonus on all servers until the 30th.

    This login bonus is to cover the downtime of the merges as well as compensation for the severe lag issues experienced which some servers experienced.

    For all servers, except Global American instances:
    - 2 weeks premium
    - 1 week rebate
    - 7 days HON-50 booster
    - 7 days EP-50 booster
    - 10,000 Seprom
    - 20,000 Space Cup Group C ammunition
    - 20 hours DMG-B02 booster
    - 20 hours SHD-B02 booster
    - 20 hours HP-B02 booster

    For Global America instances:
    - 2 weeks premium
    - 1 week rebate
    - LF-4-HP Laser
    - 14 days HON-50 booster
    - 14 days EP-50 booster
    - 10,000 Seprom
    - 20,000 Space Cup Group C ammunition
    - 50 Indoctrine Oil
    - 30 hours DMG-B02 booster
    - 30 hours SHD-B02 booster
    - 30 hours HP-B02 booster

    Your Darkorbit Team