Login Bug

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Oracle, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. Oracle

    Oracle User

    I ahve experienced the following bug.I tryed to login via facebook.The page was taking long to load and then it ended up in a blank page with a cross.I managed to get this screenshot:[​IMG]
    Has anyone else experienced the same issue?If yes feel free to post.


  2. i have seen that before, usually only when I have a slow internet connection. Doesnt happen very often. Usually just try logging back in again and everything works.
  3. I have not seen that before, I have seen weird pages but just a cross, don't think I have.
  4. Oracle

    Oracle User

    That only happens when you login via facebook I think.


  5. Lol I just log in using the normal way.
  6. It happens when you get impatient and click the button to login with Facebook more than once. Click it once, and you won't have said issue.
  7. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello Oracle

    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    This seems to be the most likely explanation.

    Are you still having difficulty logging in, or was it only a temporary issue with Facebook?