long response time on auction page

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by TheDutchAvenger, Jan 11, 2025.

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  1. Since a few days, the response time on auction, hangar, shop and other pages is long, usually two minutes or more. For most pages, not really a problem, but if you want to make a last minute bid on the auction page, forget it... Hopefully this can be addressed?

    Yes, I cleared the cache, No it did not help.
  2. have the same need 5 mn to collect boxes and when i shoot laser not go after you have so many npc around the ship ???
    TheDutchAvenger likes this.
  3. I'm having the same issue and have been for the passed few days. :(
    TheDutchAvenger likes this.
  4. Same problem here too. Extremely frustrating :mad: