Looking for Clan (US West)

Discussion in 'Clans' started by Dhrekk, Mar 13, 2019.

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  1. Dhrekk

    Dhrekk User

    Just created a new account after been inactive for a couple of years... I try to be active at least 1hr per day.

    Company: EIC
    Level: 12
    Drones: 8 Iris
    Lasers: 19 LF3
    Shields: 9 B02
  2. I will start with ewe, but welcome back. There are a lot of clans on our server but if you want to find one to join, the best thing to do is play and see who is on. Not many actually read the forums so this is not the best place to look.
    silanyu likes this.
  3. silanyu

    silanyu User

    Agreed. Best place is to play and make some friends along the way. Best of luck as it will be a grind