loosing lock

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mr_plaku™, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. Ok i suppose loads of people notice that this week we have been loosing locks of our kills when some else is shootin the same alien/enemy.

    Apparently the old rules( who shoots first gets the kill) dont apply anymore which makes everything a mess.

    Please fix this thing as soon as possible and i really hope its not permament
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    This would have been better posted in the technical issues section.
  3. Hello mr_plaku™

    Moving to a more appropriate section for further assistance.

    From: General Issues
    To: Technical Issues
  4. Ok i just want to know if this is being looked upon coz it is really annoying
  5. Hey Mr Plaku yea this is so annoying i kept taking kills from my clan members today which i shouldn't have got. This should be on the top of the to do list. ;)
  6. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    I hope it's getting fixed soon cause this problem is during already like a week... Very annoying when you have quest and someone random steal your kill.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for bring this to our attention, it has been passed on for testing and further investigation.

    We do appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.
    Please have a Happy Holidays