Losing credits ...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Severian-, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. -Severian-

    -Severian- User

    I seem to have lost roughly 40-50 million credits, 20-25 million yesterday and another 20-25 million when I logged in today. The first day it went from 530 million or so to 503 million next log in. I had recently bid (and won) an item in auction, bidding 10/11 million, then 12 million, so shrug, it musta added the two bids as one & charged 23m .. ok .. but yesterday I didn't bid on anything and I'm down from that 503m to 480m for no apparent reason .. is there anyway of telling what happened to it by looking at the log?
  2. Yes...

    Go to the "uridium" tab on the home page. then click the "balance" tab there. It gives you a log of every uri and credit change you had on your account..both gains and losses.

    UID : 65843281
  3. -Severian-

    -Severian- User

    Thanks. As it turns out two or three people were taking turns joining my clan of one and taxing me 5%. They ripped me off for 135m .. haha whata maroon .. I don't suppose there is anyway of getting it back?
  4. telling your clan to give it back.
  5. Hello -Severian-

    Thank you Ρļ€*İŋ*Ŧħ€*§ķ¥ & º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º for assisting with this thread.

    You can take your amount of clan tax when another 5% gets deducted as clan tax and after that you can set clan tax to zero to avoid getting deducted in future. Please also note that amount of tax deducted will stay in clan treasury as long as you don't make any payments to your clan members.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?