Lost Shield Power

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Severian-, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. -Severian-

    -Severian- User

    Sometime in the last 2 or 3 days I've lost a bit over 11,550 in shield power as shown on ship's display. This is a HUGE loss. At +210 a pop that's 55 upgrades lost. The weird thing is out of 16 shields 11 are level 2, and 5 are level 3, for a total of 21 successful upgrades. This would seem to mean the shields are less powerful than when they were first bought. Anyone else have or a similar problem. Can I get my 11,550 in shields back?
  2. Check the refinery for seprom shield, pilot points, drone levels, boosters, drone designs and be sure you are calculating the ship shield boost if that applies.

    I dont think the upgrades are going to be worth quite that much from the shield upgrades alone.

    My best guess would be maybe you auto-repaired drones.

    After checking and if it doesnt tally right based on all you're configs, ask support to go through the account for any bugs that could have arisen.
    -Severian- likes this.
  3. -Severian-

    -Severian- User

    I dont think the upgrades are going to be worth quite that much from the shield upgrades alone.

    My best guess would be maybe you auto-repaired drones.

    ... Your best guess is the correct guess. I had put under repair two shields, which are now back to level six a couple minutes ago and with it the shields have returned to their normal levels. Without your explanation I'd be scratching my head like a monkey starring at a math problem. Thanks for the help.